It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 36

That night I feel asleep alone and woke up around noon alone. Only I wasn’t alone in the room. A figure stood in the shadow of the corner.

“Gabe, let me explain…”

“Think again sweet pea” Vicky emerged from the corner a smile wide on her face.

“Vicky what are you doing in here?” I sat up quickly

“He knows human”

“Knows what?”

“Gabe knows about the kiss you and Billy boy shared, and he’s done with you” the words hurt I didn’t want to believe her

“Why do you think he didn’t stop to say anything to you last night” it made sense

This was it, how we were going to leave things? With Vicky telling me how Gabe felt I didn’t even get to explain my half.

“So get out Gabe wants you gone before tonight” Vicky didn’t say another word she just left

I had some packing to do I guess. But what really did I have I was brought here with nothing. And my apt didn’t even have anything everything I owned was with William. This sucked my heart hurt this man I thought I loved won’t even talk to me. I grabbed my one bag I had and Ned. Looked around the room one more time.

“That’s it I guess” I said to myself

As I walked down the stairs I saw the rest of the Hazed again around the card table. Gabe included he looked past me…as I fought back the tears I walked quickly out of the warehouse. As I stepped through the doors the sunlight hit me like a ton of bricks and I collapsed to the ground. I pressed my back up against the wall as tears rolled down my cheeks. This was it a new life I couldn’t believe it.

*Hannah’s POV*

“Did you guys get the place set up for her?” William asked me

“Yup took all the stuff from when she was here and Katy and I even added a little more here and there” I smiled as I looked back at William he had gotten stronger over night. He fed on a few bank robbers we caught and it seemed to do the trick. He was still too weak to go out but he was out of the closet he had been in.

“Good, thank you…I just want her to be comfortable something tells me Gabe isn’t too happy about her leaving she’s gonna need a place that feels like home.”

“You really love her don’t you?”

“To be honest I do…there’s this crazy connection I have with her”

“Well I hope it all works out for you William” he tanked me and I went back to the room to look at more magazines Katy and I were on a roll today.

*Vicky T’s POV*

My plan had worked perfectly Gabe had no idea that William and Chloe had kissed. I knew this because I could tell she was up to something. So that day unlike Willy I followed her and stayed long enough to were I didn’t turn into BBQ. Now I know where she lives and I can have Gabe for myself. She was like putty in my hand seriously humans are so simple minded and manipulative it’s great. How ever I’ll have to keep my thoughts on this matter away from Gabe but I’m pretty sure now that she’s gone he’ll come crawling back to me.

I sat there after she walked out the door and starred at the boy’s playing cards around the table. It was getting darker out which meant it was going to be time to hunt soon.

“Where the hell is Chloe?” Gabe asked looking around

“You didn’t know” I replied

“Know what I knew she was moving but I figured we’d talk about it. I know I ignored her because I was upset at first but I figured I’d talk to her after her walk.” He was so naive sometimes I wondered if he had a soul and was as dumb as those fleshes were.

“Gabe…sweet heart she’s gone. She wasn’t going on a walk she left. She told me before she left that she never wanted to see you again. You had broken her heart because you didn’t talk to her last night on your guy’s lovey dovey balcony like you do every night.” Gabe looked confused

“Do you know where she is Vicky?” he asked getting more irritated by the minute it was such a turn on.

“Mmm nope” I shook my head but before i knew it he had me pinned by my neck up against the wall
“Now Gaby you know if I knew anything I would tell you…after all you were the one to turn me so I’m eternally yours” yup his forever and he had no choice…we all know if your turned by a vamp your binded to them. Just look at the Hannah bitch and Brendon I hear about on the streets when hunting. They’re getting married and if that Chloe bitch didn’t get in the mix that would be Gabe and I’s fate.

“God please don’t remind me of the biggest mistake I ever made in my eternal existence so far” he didn’t mean that…deep down I knew he cared about me.

“And Vicky if I find out you know where she lives or have anything involvement in her leaving suddenly I wont hesitate to kill you”
♠ ♠ ♠

so i have a whole week off of work before i leave for Warped i'll try to post again before i leave in a week but i gotta lot to do this coming week!

I'm sad to see that i've lost 2 SUBS poop! i hope ppl are enjoying this story. but i wanna know from the readers

William or Gabe???

if your reading this and have yet to check out my other story "Hardly worth your time" you should i'm getting ready to update that one as well

XOXO readers whom have stuck with this ILY