It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 37

*Chloe’s POV*

After getting all my frustrations out on the wall I wrapped up my bleeding knuckle and walked to my new place. It was getting late and now that I knew vamps were real I defiantly didn’t wanna be out with a bloody hand. The building I moved into was incredibly old fashioned and that’s what I loved about it. I had to unlock the door to get into the building but before going in I put my last name in the slot where my apt buzzer would be for me to be able to buzz any visitors in. I got up to the top level hiking up stairs all the way and placed my older skeleton key into the slot. Another perk of the place was the beautiful skeleton key I got for my door. As I opened the door the room was dark and I wasn’t expecting to trip over anything but sure enough I did. As my body hit the floor hard I could have sworn the whole 3 story building shook.

“What the hell?” I said as I stood rubbing my ass and feeling around for something familiar. Finally I found a lamp and clicked it on. The lamp dimly lite the room to expose furniture. Nothing I really recognized there was a chair and a couch neatly place in a more fashionable since than I would have placed them with pillows and a blanket that went over the back of each. A coffee table sat in the middle and just by the wall in front of that there was and TV. with a stand. I was so confused at this point I didn’t know if I was even in the right place. I looked over into the kitchen and it had appliances and dishes. Lastly I walked into my room. And it finally had hit me…

“William must have had something to do with this” I whispered, everything in my room was what was in the room back at William’s warehouse. Including all my clothes and accessories. My bed was neatly made and had a note that lay upon it. The front read Chloe.

Dearest Chloe,

I had the girls set up a few things here and there around your new place. I had some sort of feeling that Gabe wasn’t going to take you moving out to kindly and the last thing I wanted was for you to arrive to an empty heartless home. I hope I didn’t over do myself and I don’t expect any sort of thank you back. I want to apologize for the kiss the other day. I know you’re with Gabe and I should respect your wishes and boundaries. I just want you to be happy…I miss you!

Yours truly,

That annoying and all the time wonderful man. I should have known he would be behind this right from the start. I hadn’t thought about the kiss him and I shared since Vicky brought it up before I left. Which was only a while 2 hours or so but right when those words met my eyes I immediately reached for my lips. It was like it just happened all over again my lips began to burn. I needed to relax so I decided to take a bath. As I walked into the bathroom it was completely decked out with hot pink and had gerbera daisies all over the place from the shower curtain to even the little print on my towels. And on the mirror were the words Welcome Home love Hannah and Katy written in pink lipstick with a kiss from each of them.

After I let the tub fill I undressed and slowly lowered myself into the tub. Carefully placing my hand into the water to rinse off the blood. I knew I was going to regret it later as I could already tell it was swelling. I laid back and thoughts of Gabe rushed my head all at once giving me a sudden head ache. I almost felt guilty for thinking about him when William had done all of this for me. I was thankful to Will sure but I was in love with Gabe and I had never even gotten the chance to say so. Maybe that would have changed things. I relaxed a little longer and soon realized what time it was. The Hazed would be hunting soon and in hopes to see Gabe I was planning on sitting out on my balcony and write in Ned.

I got out of the tub grabbed a pair of sweats and a shirt and wrapped myself in the heating blanket Gabe had given me. Stepped outside and noticed there was a lawn chair out on the balcony.

Dear Ned,

So tonight will be my first night in my place. Alone…Gabe hasn’t forgiven me for moving out or so Vicky T says. And for some reason my heart believes her I think it was because Gabe didn’t even acknowledge the fact that I had left. I ache for his attention he was so good to me better than any boyfriend I’ve ever had.

And yet I sit here feeling guilty for thinking of him. I walked into my place thinking it was going to be empty and depressing. When really it was just the opposite of that. William had Katy and Hannah come and set all my stuff up and even more so. The living room is beautiful and the kitchen is wonderful and the bathroom Gah I could really go on and on. William is wonderful in his self he has qualities in a guy I always saw my self with. Until I met Gabe…

I start work in a few days lets hope that goes well. But for now I must say good night due to the fact that I thought it would be smart to punch a brick wall with my writing hand and its swelling worse now.

Good night Ned

“So are you out here waiting for me” I looked down in surprise
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UPDATE!!! because i got like 5 comments in the matter of 4 or 5 hours which is alot for me i decided i'd spoil my readers with another update...

THANK YOU so much everyone for reading and even more so commenting. i now how 50 SUBS and 10 stars i can't believe it!!

Oh just wait you guys will love the next chapter!!

xoxo Readers and COMMENTERS