It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 38


“Hey Chlo” he waved

“I thought you were ill? How are you here?”

“Well can I come up and explain?” he smiled and I gave in

He soon was in front of me sitting on the edge of the balcony.

“Can you please sit in the chair I have next to me I know your immortal and all but I really would rather not see a man fall from my balcony and have to explain to the people below how you lived” I laugh as I grabbed his arm…yup back to his icy cold self.

“Wow, what the HELL happened to your hand?” he looked with eyes wide

“Umm let’s just say I got into a fight with the brick wall of the Hazed warehouse and it pretty much kicked my ass” I said covering my wound

“Ouch you should ice that”

“It’s not that bad”

“Here” he said placing his ice cold hand over it.

“Better?” he asked

“A little…thanks. And William thanks so much for doing this to my apartment I thought it would take me month to just get a TV. and you do all this for me. I really don’t deserve it after what I did to you” he looked at me puzzled

“What did you do?”

“I kept you out for so long and it hurt you” he laughed

“No I stayed out to long you had nothing to do with that decision you could of told me to go home and I still wouldn’t have listened”

“I guess…” I wrapped the blanket over my shoulder that had been exposed to the elements.

“Gift from Gabe” I said shyly

“Smart guy…” he smiled softly

“So ugh do you wanna go inside the blanket can only do so much. And I should probably put some real ice on my hand I’m sure your getting tired of holding on to my hand” I laugh

“Sure we can go in…and for the record I’m not tired of holding your hand” as we stepped inside little did I know I had just missed the man I was really sitting out there waiting for.

*Gabe’s POV*

“Vicky are you sure she’s not anywhere around here?” Vicky was never the best at keeping secrets I knew that she knew something about Chloe but for some reason Vicky had that ability to block things out. It was just a white fuzzy feeling I got when I wanted to know something but she blocked me. And for now I was too weak to really focus hard.

“Why the hell do you keep asking me were she is? Do you really think I know?” yes, yes I do.

“It’s just oddly strange to me that she would just leave”

“I already told you baby why she left” Vicky snaked her arm around my shoulder.

“Vicky, I’m only going to be able to be so nice for so long. I’m not your baby, honey, or anything else referring to us ever having anything ever again so really you being so desperate is actually trashy and lame” I reached my arm up and removed hers and she wasn’t happy that much I could tell by her face and thoughts
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this one is so short...and its taken me a little bit to update

I've been super depressed with family things and stuff in my life for soem reason. And today i get my hair done so hopefully that will cheer me up that or i leave in 2 days to camp and go to Warped Tour hehehe :)

comments would be lovely and i'm still super mixed on who i'm gonna put Chloe with in the end William or Gabe ha ha

xoxo Readers