It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 39

*Chloe’s POV*

I sat down on the couch William at tow he sat next to me and finally released my hand.

“So ugh…how are you feeling really?” I asked

“Better…I drank and stayed in the dark all day. At my age I heel faster, to be honest I feel much better seeing you” he smiled slightly

“Will don’t be so cheesy” I laughed as did he

“I’m not trying to be it’s the truth. Chloe I’ve missed you. I’m sorry about that day I shouldn’t have let you go”

“Hey it’s the past you can’t take it back why dwell on it”

“Your attitude on life is so much more different than it used to be…what happened”

“I met Gabe” I said and as soon as the words left my mouth guilt took over

“You know I was only with you and your crew because the Hazed was after me. Then when I left and I guess captured if you can call it that.” I stopped memories of when I was first taken flooded my mind and it stopped at the 2 weeks when I realized I’d been there and William didn’t come for me.

“I waited” I blurted out Will looked at me confused

“I waited for you William, 2 weeks I waited and you never came. I thought about you so much I tried so hard to give you vibes to where I was that my head felt like it was going to explode every minute of every day those 2 weeks. I waited, wished, prayed and hoped you would come be my night and shining armor and nothing. I know you ended up coming shortly after, Gabe told me that much” William was silent

“I’m sorry” he finally spoke

“Like I said it’s the past don’t dwell on it. I just wanted you to know”

“I felt you…I did search all over you know but the Hazed moved. I knew you were with them. I could feel your cries for help. I was agony”


“I tried I had the boys out every night searching and when I finally found you it was too late. And I didn’t know how late it was until Hannah told me and I saw the two of you that night dancing. I knew I lost”

I sat there and didn’t know what to say.

“I vowed if I found you I wouldn’t give up on you and I haven’t” he leaned in close and I could feel his breath like a cold winter breeze his face was inches away from mine now.

“I’m not going to give up” he went in to kiss me but I stood up quick and complained fast about my hand. As I walked to the fridge William sat back quickly as if I scared him. My feelings for him hadn’t changed they were still there like a lump in the back of your throat when your nervous. But they only really came when his presence was around me. I couldn’t fight my feelings for Gabe even if he never wanted to see me again. I did love him…but I was starting to feel different about what I wanted in life. And I have a right I’m only human.

“Well I better go the sun is going to rise soon. And don’t you start you first day of work tomorrow”

“Night I guess you could call it I work 5 to 10pm every night except for Sat and Sun” I laughed

“Well I will be there at 10 sharp to walk you home”

William started to walk to the balcony as I pressed an ice pack to my hand I followed behind him. He turned and pulled the ice pack gently from my hand and kissed it softly

“Good night my angel on earth” I smiled gosh he was so cheesy but I was eating up every word. My heart swelled as he disappeared into the darkness

It was late and I probably needed sleep. But I decided to watch TV to help me along. As I flipped through info commercial after info commercial I finally came upon Nick at Night and began watching the Nanny. With in seconds I heard a loud crash in the other room and a low laugh…I knew that laugh
♠ ♠ ♠
SORRY i haven't updated in a while. I've been so drained after Warped Tour and the week of work i had off my sleeping schdual got all screwy so i've just been really tired.

on top of that i have a doctor appt next Friday because i might be minor surgery on some insides of mine that are not doing what they're suppose to be doing!! UGHHH

So i have so favors to ask...IF your reading this and haven't commented please don't be shy let me know WILLIAM or GABE!!

GABE OR WILLIAM lol i need to start making some desicions honestly i could swing ti ether way i love em both for me Gabe a little more just cause he's sexy as hell but i love William too!


Do you think i should turn Chloe?


sorry if this chapter sucks :(


p.s. if your reading "Hardly worth your Time" i'll be updating tongiht probably too i need to write the chapter first. If your not reading it i would love for you to check it out...just like this story its nothing like i've ever written before