It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 4

Williams POV

She followed me up to her room the third door on the left right next to mine. I needed to keep her next to me; it was only for her protection at least that’s what I kept telling my self. Chloe was different and I felt different about her. I had been attracted to other females before but she was so sweet smelling I could barley control myself. When I had pressed my fingers against her lips to quite her rambling mouth that was almost the straw that broke the camels back. If I hadn’t pulled away so fast I could have done things to her that would have broken our code or family bond. It would have made me just as bad as the Hazed. I could feel her warmth burning my chilled skin as she walked close behind me until we reached her door.

“This is it Chloe…3rd door on the left” I nodded as I opened the door and stood back so she could walk in first.

“You…You guys brought my whole life” she gazed around at how we had set up her room. Vampires like us with really nothing better to do with our time other than hunt down the bad guys get bored so we have an I for detail.

“I hope you like it…we tried to match it with how your room was set up at your place. Forgive me doll I’m not to sure how long you’ll be staying. Like I’ve mentioned this is for your protection” I said as I stepped in and focused on a spot I noticed on the carpeted floor. Anything to keep my mind off of her scent, her sweet, mouth watering, drooling scent…STOP IT WILL! I needed to learn to control my self better so I wasn’t looking forward to the constant battles I was to face on a daily basses in my head.

“It’s great, I mean for the time being until I can get back to my old life.” She said biting her lip I wish she didn’t do that

“Well ugh” my throat was beginning to tighten up with thirst

“You can thank Katy for this she re decorated everything for you but I’m sure you’ll get to know her better with time” I needed to leave now. I need to hunt the greedy or I was going to have Chloe as my dinner.

“Umm get settled in then” I quickly closed the door behind me and out the window across the hall I went. It was time to hunt and Brendon and Ryan were going to join in.

Chloe’s POV

William slammed the door shut so fast I couldn’t even begin to get my sentence out to ask how he knew what I was thinking. I just sat down on the bed…my bed. I was still in a daze at the fact that they had gotten everything from my room at my place. Even a few things here and there from the living room and stuff from my bathroom were placed neatly in the bathroom that was attached to my room. I noticed that my room was a lot nicer than what I had seen so far and in the corner closest to the window that had been locked I’m assuming for my safety was a little heater. I laughed at the thought that I was the only warm blooded person in this house or ugh warehouse. But my laugher soon turned to fear not for my safety around William I could feel he wouldn’t hurt me. But for the others whom I just met and the Hazed. As I sat there I wrapped the quilt my grandma made me and looked around the room. I was still in shock they got my dresser, desk and all my photography stuff…even all my records for my record player. I was feeling better about being here. Until I heard a knock at the door.

“Umm come in?” I squeaked out

Soon after I was able to get the words past my lips I saw Katy ‘appear’ next to me on my bed. It happened so fast it made me almost fall off the bed.

“Oh careful” she said grabbing me with her icy cold hands

“I’m sorry I guess I should have come threw the door instead of that I’m sure your not used to it yet” she giggled

“Yeah I guess I’m not” I was alright with this whole ‘appearing’ thing but I needed some warning still

“I wanted to see how you liked your room? Travie helped me we got it finished in about an hour or so” she was now cross legged sitting right in front of me. I was still kind of speechless around her because of how beautiful she was.

“An hour? You and Travie?” I questioned

“Yes we’re very fast…” she winked

“And you and Travie are…together?” I felt kind of rude asking but I just had to make my assumptions correct
“Yes we are…going on about 400 yrs now” she was laughing now and I sat there in amazement looking at her teeth. They were as white as snow and two of them came to a point but not like you would think. They didn’t seem to sharp any who she was just really nice to look at.

“ I know where going to be the best of friends…I think William will would like to keep you around for a while he seems to have a really strong attraction to you in more ways than one”

….More ways than one what’s that mean?
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THIS is the real chater 4 i'm a this is the new one the old one is next the one you guys already read...i'm so sad that i did this i'm so lame