It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 41

“Gabe? What are you doing here?” I didn’t think he wanted anything to do with me anymore.

“I’ve been looking for you and I find you kissing Will?” he seemed angry

“Why are you mad? You didn’t want me remember” I snapped

He looked confused at the words I had just said to him. Like he didn’t know what I was talking about, how could he not. It wasn’t like he came after me when I left. And I shouldn’t expect any boy/man to come after me anymore its part of my new independent life style.

“You let me go Gabe, I was kissing Will yes. He has been here since I’ve moved in. He was kind enough to completely put my place together. He was here to make me feel at home. And here I thought when I got this place it would be perfect because it had a balcony that I could sit on and wait for you. But was I so wrong you’re not the man I thought you were. One time I feel the need to do something for me and you give up” I was rambling yes I know but I was also pissed

“So you moved here to be with him? I was right all along” Gabe accused

“Are you even listening to me?” I was becoming even more irritated

“Yeah I was listening you waited a whole 3 days for me and then went to him”

“You broke me; Will was around to pick up the pieces. After I found out you wanted nothing to do with me I was crushed” I could feel them the warm salty tears that were forming in my eyes and I tried my hardest to push them away.

“Hey Shut up out there…you know people are trying to sleep” a voice came from below me and they had a point it was late and I was to the point of yelling

“Why do you keep saying I didn’t want you that I let you go?” Gabe was now on the balcony with me.

“Because you didn’t Vicky said you were done” I was now wiping the tears I tried so hard to fight back

“I didn’t want to believe her…but how could I not. After those first couple nights of waiting for you and nothing I knew she was right. I had to try to except that.”

“Vicky! I should have known”

“Known what?” I asked

“I should have known she would be behind this” he snarled

“Behind what? I’m lost…”

“Don’t worry about it, now that I know where you live things will be different you’ll see” and just like that he was gone

And I was left to wonder…

Dear Ned,

Gabe found me tonight…and left me confused. William walked me home this evening from work and I have a feeling its going to become a regular thing. I don’t know about ether of them to be honest. William is great and handsome and loyal and charming. And Gabe is mysterious and breathe taking, and protective. I find myself attracted to both but one more than the other.

I don’t know what to do…and I don’t have time to think about it now. I need sleep

Good Night Ned

*William’s POV*

I knew Gabe was there but it’s something about Chloe I just needed to taste her. Her kiss was so warm and soft. I’m not sure its love but I’m falling, not fast but not to slow ether. I walked home slowly and thought about everything we talked about.

“Hey!” I heard as I stepped through the doors of our warehouse

“Katy what are you doing” she was teetering on the ladder placing the final decoration

“Ummm Hello today is Bren and Hannah’s wedding, don’t you remember?” no I had forgotten but she couldn’t know

“Yeah I remembered”

“No you didn’t I know you William Beckett” she laughed as she stepped down and placed the ladder out side the door

“Now go get changed they’re getting hitched in an hour before sun up with just us here. Something small but dammit your not wearing that” she pushed me and I obeyed
♠ ♠ ♠
UPDATE...hopefully i get more comments on this chap then last chap, did it suck or something ? lol

So next chapter i must say is one of my FAVS that i wrote...Gabe lets just say is not happy and i LOVE happy fairy tale endings for vampire couples awwww Bren and Hannah are so cute

Anyone watch True Blood? if so team Bill Compton(sp) or team Eric Northman? I'm totally a 100% Northman that man is AMAZING gah Vampires i dunno what it is...if you dont know what i'm talking about google Eric Northman YUMMY.

And whose excited for New Moon i know we have a ways to go but i'm total Team Emmett lol

