It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 43

*Chloe’s POV*

I sat there watching the clock tick waiting to close up. William wasn’t out side this evening so I figured he wouldn’t be walking me home tonight. Time passed as I did inventory and placed records and cd’s in there proper holding place. Soon after it was time to close so I locked things up and ventured outside to start my walk. It was freezing out now during the day everything seemed fine nice, warm, and clear. But clear days make for super cold nights. I could see my breath in the air.

“Chloe…” I heard a whisper as I spun around to see no one there

“You’re alright Chlo girl you’ve had a long day that’s all”

“CHHHHOOOOLLLEEEE” another haunting call of my name and I was sure I heard it that time so I began to walk faster I was almost in a sprint.

I could see my place now and that sent me into an even faster pace now. I whipped out my key and placed it into the front door of the building. Got in and ran to my place in the same pace until I realized my door was open. Seeing that sent me into a sudden halt and my body flew forward into the door pushing it open the rest of the way as I fell to the ground.

“Hello my pet” I knew that voice all to well it was Vicky

“Time to play” she said and I tried to get up but the force from her hands sent me straight back to the ground.
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I'm SO SORRY...i haven't updated in forever!!

Lots of things have happened and i know thats no excuse but hopefully i'll be writing more. Like i said i hate Sept and the last couple things that have happened this month havnet made it any better so i've been in a HUGE rut. Depressed, kept to myself, driving my husband nuts cause i havent talked much in a month yadda yadda.

On a lighter note Oct is almost here and that means Halloween my fav holiday is right around the corner...

Again sorry i havent updated in a while and sorry this is so sort but they made that rule where i cant post just an authors note to let you guys know whats up so i wrote a little something more to come SOON i promise
