It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 5

William’s POV

The night was cold and dark as usual and the way I liked it.

“What’s the plan Will?” Brendon said as him and Ryan followed behind. They were newer to our life style going for the people who only hurt others.

“I’m not too sure yet, I guess we just play it by ear” and as if it was like clock work we heard a younger women scream

“That’s our cue boys” I said as we ran towards the cries of help

We came upon a dark alley way go figure right it always happens that way

“Howdy boys” Ryan said with an eager look on his face he was ready to pounce any minute.

“Now Ry slow down” I had to remind him

“Oh now what’s a little stick boy like you going to do” one of the men said

They all stopped what they were doing and looked our direction. The young girl had fear in her eyes and her shirt and pants were ripped. The 3 fellas that were about to violate this girl had lust in they’re eyes and I didn’t even want to repeat what they were thinking.

“Why don’t you gentlemen back away from the lady slowly and we wont have to hurt you” I said cheerfully knowing exactly what they were going to say next and I was just waiting for those words to roll off they’re tongues because then that would be our cue to start snaking.

“You and your scrawny little friends need to beat it before you get yourselves into trouble” these guys were delicious looking all 3 super plump and they deserve what’s coming to them.
“Boys these guys are not being very nice. I think you know what to do to people who are not nice” I grinned and as soon as I finished my sentence our teeth popped out more than they noticed before and the 3 men started trembling in fear.

“Shit they’re vamps!”

I just laughed as I lunged at the man who was so rude to us earlier. He screamed in fear and tried to run but I was to fast. I wrapped my long fingers around his neck and lifted him up.

“ Hmmm you look good enough to eat…or drink” I threw his body towards the ally wall and his neck bone and ribs made a sickening crack he soon lay life less on the ally floor. I turned to see Ryan jump on the back of another man and sink his teeth into his neck. He soon dropped to his knees as the blood was being drained from his body like sand switching sides in an hour glass.

“You sons a bitches, you came to save the girl…save this” the last of the three men who belonged to Brendon raised a sharp silver object and plunged it into the girl’s stomach. With a blood curdling scream the girl yelled as the man slid the cold blade threw her like a knife slicing into cheese.

“Bren get him!” I yelled and didn’t even have to say it again Brendon was on the man fast and with a thud of his fist knocked the guy down and out. His teeth soon where deep into the mans neck and the once full of life body soon began to turn white and pale from the blood loss. The girl how ever screamed in pain as blood poured from her all over the ally floor.

Ryan was soon done with his drink. Brendon finished his man as well and that’s when I saw they’re eyes lock on the girl.

“Now boys keep your composer…we’re not nor will we ever again be like the Hazed” Brendon’s head dropped as he approached the girl.

“ Will she’s bleeding fast, what should we do” I noticed Brendon’s face was in as much pain as hers and Ryan stood back he was trying not to smell her he out of everyone knew he couldn’t ever go back to the life style of the Hazed.

“Take her home…I’ll follow soon, wrap her wounds” I yelled

“Go…GO NOW!!!” Brendon swept the girl into his arms and they were gone in a flash

Now for my snack I on the other hand like to savor my people. Take it nice and slow I knew when I got back to the warehouse things were going to get complicated Brendon was ether going to have to kill that girl his person was responsible for hurting or save her eternally. I finished my human and ran back home, I was eager to see Chloe and needing to know if Brendon had made a choice. As I stepped threw the doors I saw the women’s body laying on the floor covered in blankets everyone who lived in the house was around the girl…including Chloe. The freshly washed clean smelling Chloe. Her scent was more and more appealing as I approached closer. Dammit WILLIAM no stop thinking of her that way. You have to save her not hurt her. I saw the concern and fear on her face she soon turned around and walked away. Brendon’s face was in agony and I knew he wasn’t looking forward to the decision he needed to make. But this girl was is responsibilty his human hurt her he needed to make the choice.

“Well Bren what will it be?”
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This is the old one...i'm working on chapter 6

AGAIN i'm SO effing sorry i feel so bad!!!


Happy New Year to all