It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 6

“Brendon…you have to choose” I sent the rest of the guys away from the room this was Brendon’s first person he ether needed to turn or kill. Ether way it was not going to be easy.

“William I…I can’t I don’t know if I can save her” Brendon was shaking

“Then you’ll have to kill her” Brendon started shaking his head

“No…no I want to save her, what should I do” he knelt down next to the girl that was now lying lifeless on the ground

“You need to bite her…and suck her blood. You count to ten and she should be infected enough to be saved but after she’s infected she needs to be restrained or she’ll attack the first human she smells” that person would be Chloe and I can’t have that. I could hear the faint heart beat of the girl.

“Brendon you need to do it now she’s dieing”

“Okay…o…okay” he pressed his lips to the girl’s neck as if to kiss her and bit down.

“1….2…3” I started to count out loud I soon reached 10 and Brendon pulled away fast

“Now we need to tie her to a chair” I know it sounds bad but I can’t have her attacking the girl I was suppose to be protecting

Soon the young girl’s heart stopped all together and she was in a deep sleep. It should be days now until we get a response from the girl. I noticed when Chloe left she was up set I needed to speak with her to explain things.

Chloe’s POV

That poor girl. That poor, poor girl. How could he do that? It should have been her choice some how. Die or be turned I guess if I was in her position when I awake I would probably be grateful for living but not if it was going to make life harder.
‘Knock Knock Knock’ my door opened a little and I heard Williams voice

“Chloe may I come in…I think we need to talk”

“Of course come in thank you for asking” I nodded my head

“Well I’m getting used to the whole not invading privacy thing” he grinned

I on the other hand sat on my bed tears getting ready to form in my eyes. That girl…the blood her face the horror. And those boys around her all they wanted were to taste her blood no matter what they were. No matter if they only hunted the crooks and killers. They still are vamps and they wanted her. I could see it in they’re faces before William turned them away.

“Chloe what you saw just now was”

“Horrible…dirty…rotten…disgusting…wrong?” I cut him off

“It was for the best really she was suffering” William came closer and I soon felt his icy cold breath on my face

“And she’s not going to be suffering now?” I was angry

“She is but only for a little while” his hand finally touched mine but he pulled away fast

“William that girl…that young, young girl is…is never going to be that same and not to mention she now is going to want me.” I may have only been here a short time but I wasn’t stupid

“No Chloe you listen to me. I’m not going to let that happen there’s no way in hell she’s going to hurt you”

“You can’t be so sure…I’m in just as much danger here as I would be on the streets” I stood up now and grabbed my bag I had packed for when I wanted to leave. Ripped my coat around my shoulders and threw my bag over my shoulder.

“What…what are you doing” William now stood behind me. His body was so close it made the hairs on my neck stand and for some odd reason all I longed to do was turn around and have his cold body hold mine.

“I’m leaving Will I can’t be here, not any longer” I walked towards the door and was shocked when he didn’t try to block me

“Chloe please I wont let her hurt you, and Gabe the Hazed they’re out there” he seemed to just glide along side of me as I reached the door that lead out to the street.

“I’d rather take my chances out there then be someone’s bait in here” I swung the door open and walked out into the now morning sun. William began to follow and then stepped back inside.

“Will someone get me some fucking sun glasses? Its morning and I can’t go after Chloe!!” but it was too late I had turned the corner in a sprint now and was on my way to the bus station. I’m not as stupid as you think. I knew it wasn’t super wise of me to leave the warehouse with William but I also knew I wasn’t going to stick around here. I was leaving this place for good.
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Sorry for the long a wait update to whom ever is reading this i hope your enjoying it.


p.s. comment would be nice