It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 9

I sat there shivering did these guys know a thing called heat? Who am I kidding vampire remember duh they don’t need heat. I searched around the room looking for anything that could cover me. Gabe’s bed was a couple feet from where I sat now it looked warm and inviting but I didn’t want to move. I tested the boundaries to my chained leg earlier and convently I reach everything from the window to the bathroom but not the door that would lead me out of this hell hole. I grabbed the necklace Gabe had placed around my neck and held it in my fingers for some reason I hadn’t taken it off nor did I want to. I was tired so tired. My eyes were drooping no matter how cold I was I still needed sleep. I stood slowly and approached the bed as if it had teeth. Pulled back the covers and laid down. Soon I was thinking about how much I missed William. The next thing I knew I was a sleep.

*William’s POV*

I could feel her thinking about me. She was to far away for me to since where she was exactly but I could feel her. That’s the power she had over me. I should have just ran after her dammit. Soon Brendon came into view with a look of excitement.

“What bren?”

“The girl she’s ugh awake” I was surprised this early she’d be awake

“Bring her to me I need to make sure she’s prepared to face what we are and WHEN I get Chloe back can she handle being around a human” Brendon left and was back before I could completely finish my words

“What’s your name girl?” I asked lightly

“Hannah… my name is Hannah” she said shyly

“You realize Hannah what’s you’ve become…I can feel Brendon has informed you”

“Yes…yes sir” she was so shy and innocent

“Please call me Will, I also need you to know that your Brendon’s responsibility. He turned you and I don’t fully get why it is the way it is but your forever binded to him.” She gave me a look of surprise

“What…I can’t go home? What are you saying I have a family” she became frantic

“No this is your home…this is your family Hannah. If you go home you could kill your mortal family. They wouldn’t even recognize you have you looked at your self?” I pointed to the mirror on the wall next to her. She soon stood and approached the mirror her eyes became wide.

“I, I’m beautiful…I mean I look like a super model.” She touched her face

“You’ve always been beautiful…to me” Brendon stepped into the room; I knew it was a matter of time he had been listening behind the door.

“You…you did this to me. But why? Why would you make me this monster!” she started towards him and he backed away.

“Hannah stop it…he did this to save you. Do you not remember anything about what happened to you” I belted out before she could attack

“No I just know this scum turned me into…into a”

“A vampire...blood sucker?” I cut her off

“No a monster…a hideous creature” her face began to tense up as one dewy drop of water formed in her eye. We may not have a beating heart…blood in our veins…and skin warm like the sun. But we do have feelings and we still cry when in pain. It’s just a different kind of pain a hollow kind of pain.

“Hannah you should know you were dying when Brendon made the decision to turn you. You were attacked in an alley way and stabbed. It was ether turn you or let you die” as I stood up to approach her she turned to Brendon.

His eyes were full of hope as if he was about to be rewarded for what he’d done. He looked at this girl the way I looked at Chloe.

‘SLAP’ the sound knocked me out of my thought and I met the tail end of Hannah slapping Brendon across the face.

“You should have let me die…” she grabbed her hand in pain and ran out of the room.

Brendon stood puzzled his hand to his face. The one girl that now is bonded to him for eternity basically ripped his heart out as if it was still in his chest.

“It’ll take time kid” I glided over to Bren placing my hand on his shoulder

“This is different; I fear she’ll never forgive me. And I still have to keep an eye on her she is now my life, because I could have possibly made the mistake of turning her. Maybe William maybe I should have let her die” he pulled away and started towards the door.

“Brendon you can’t think like that” I yelled

“Tell me when you turn Chloe and she feels the way Hannah does” he shook his hand in the air as to wave me off and disappeared into the hall way.

Turn Chloe? I must say the thought had crossed my mind. But I would never do that to her. As of right now I didn’t even know where she was but something told me she was in danger even if she didn’t think she was.
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PLEASE GUYS...i'm working my ass off on this story and my others and i'm not seeing any comments

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