Night Warriors

A Friendly Welcome?

A Week Later

Despite the fact that it was late spring, it was actually rather chilly in Transylvania. Van Helsing's trench coat kept him warm, but his face was chilled from the cool air. Catherine led the way, in front of him, while Carl brought up the rear, occasionally complaining about the weather...or something else...

"The town's just ahead, about four miles up the road," Catherine said, pointing. "That's where we stop."

"Thank God," Carl said from the back. "My arse was becoming numb from riding!"

Catherine and Van Helsing both shot him looks from over their shoulders.

"What?" Carl asked.

As they approached the town, Van Helsing realized it was a lot like Vaseria: Mostly composed of farmers, peasants, and old buildings. They rode into town, and he noticed all the people staring at them. The townsfolk started approaching them as they dismounted. Most of them were clutching pitchforks and other farming equipment, while others clutched crucifixes or crossed themselves.

More like Vaseria than I thought... Van Helsing pondered to himself. I'm beginning to wonder if all Romanians are so hostile...

"Excuse me!" a man cried out from the back of the crowd. "Let me through, I say!"

The crowd parted, and a young man came forward. His young face was twisted into a scowl, and he had thick brown hair tied back at the nape of his neck. His gray eyes were narrowed suspiciously as he eyed Carl, Van Helsing, and Catherine.

"Who are you?" he asked. "And what is your business in Strenotia?"

Van Helsing took it that Strenotia was the name of the town. He opened his mouth, but, surprisingly, Catherine stepped up to address the man.

"My name is Catherine, and these are my partners, Van Helsing and Carl," she explained. "We have traveled here from Rome to help you. We hear you have problems with a pack of werewolves..."

The man's face brightened instantly. "You are here to help rid us of the wolf-man?" He hurried forward, seized Catherine's hand, then kissed the back of her hand. "Welcome to Strenotia! I am Edward de Fore, magistrate of the town."

Carl glared jealously at Edward as he kissed Catherine's hand again. Surprisingly, Van Helsing felt a twinge of anger at Edward, too...

What? he wondered. Am I...jealous because he kissed Catherine..? No...

Just then, Edward turned to Van Helsing and firmly shook his hand. He noticed that while Edward was smiling warmly, his gray eyes were cold as winter.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr...ah, what was the name..?"

"Van Helsing. Just Van Helsing."

"Ah, yes," Edward said. "Come, come with me. We will discuss these matters in a more
private place."


A few minutes later, Catherine, Van Helsing, Carl, and Edward slid into a table in a back corner of the Vampyre Inn, a local inn and tavern. Each was clutching a mug of warm coffee in their hands, and, as soon as they sat, Carl eagerly began gulping his coffee. They leaned in closely so they wouldn't be overheard.

"The werewolves?" Van Helsing asked, his patience starting to wear thin.
Edward sighed and set his cup down. "Very well...things were peaceful until six months ago. One dark, cold December night, a man who called himself "Sirius" came and stayed here, at the Vampyre Inn, on the night of a full moon..."

"And then, come morning, five villagers were found brutally murdered..." Van Helsing finished.

Edward raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You know of this?"

"Yes," Catherine said, lowering her mug. "Gabriel and I have both already been informed of the situation. What we're interested in is who exactly Sirius is...and why he's come here..."

Van Helsing glanced over at Catherine. She had called him Gabriel at the cliffs in South France too...why? He had only been introduced to her a week ago, yet she acted as if she'd known him for years.

Edward stared miserably into his cup. "That's the problem...we do not know who he is, for he left no last name. And as to why he's here, we're still unsure, though we do believe it's because of the rumors of werewolf packs nearby..."

Carl looked absolutely lost, but both Van Helsing and Catherine nodded. "Very well then," Van Helsing, standing up. "We shall take rooms here at the inn, and we shall begin searching for him-or any werewolves-at dusk."

Edward was on his feet in an instant. "No no no! It's far too dangerous to be out there after dark! Perhaps you should postpone this until tomorrow..."

"No," Van Helsing insisted. "We'll start tonight."


As dawn broke, the trio stumbled up the stairs to their room at the inn. Van Helsing was in an exceptionally bad mood; their night in the nearby forests hunting werewolves had gone horribly. Not a single one to be found.

They pushed open the door to their room and glanced around. The room had rough wooden floors and walls, one tiny window covered with threadbare curtains that were barely blocking the sunlight, a small desk with a stubby candle, and two beds.

The trio stared silently at the meager room for a minute before Carl spoke up. "This is it?"
Catherine nodded. "Yes...right...we have a small problem...there are three of us...and only two beds..."

"Well, I know I'm not sharing a bed!" Carl said. He sat down on one bed, then laid down and curled up slightly, his back to Van Helsing and Catherine.

"Mmm..." Catherine sighed. "And I thought monks were supposed to be selfless..."

"They are..." Van Helsing commented, smirking slightly. "However...Carl is only a friar, so..."

A grin crossed Catherine's face. "Of course. Well...looks like we shall have to..."

She trailed off and rubbed the back of her neck. Her face turned pink. Van Helsing knew his
face was probably slightly red, too.

Awkwardly, they sat down on opposite sides of the bed. They both lay down, carefully making sure there was a large space of empty bed between them. Van Helsing stared at the wall, trying to get comfortable even though the situation was rather awkward.

"Good night, Catherine..." he murmured.

"Good night...Van Helsing..." she mumbled back.
♠ ♠ ♠ about cute. And awkward...