A Theory


The Theory

In life i’v got a theory.........

My theory is that everyone is made for a reason.

Mine is the worst, rarest reason, and also the worst fate you could ever get.

My reason is that anyone could look at me at time and say at least im not her.

I’m the person that sucked up everyone's misery and sadness for there life and I have to deal with it all my life.

I’m that girl that already had the eating disorder and wants to do it again.

I have tried cutting myself. And tried many time to commit suicide but failed.

A mask through life, and an eternity in the shadows.........

My type hides in the shadows of the happy and more fortunate.

Many secrets not to be found out, and a life that’s not worth living.

A lifetime of pretending, hate and sadness................

Happiness is found in only in one place a secret imaginary place that lasts only a minute, the only place where I could be myself......................

My life sucks and this is our story-

I now believe that someone is out there watching me
Everything I do something just.......
Goes wrong
Everything bad happens to me
I never feel any better
No one really knows the real me,
And i know there’s someone that can help me.......
She’s just not there.........
Someone out there hates me.
And I wish there was a place I could go to escape
Maybe someday I could become invisible.....
Death is the escape.......

My story is like this only in more detail........................
♠ ♠ ♠
theres a theory in everyone.............................. you just have to find it.........