Land of the Unknown

Chapter 2

After I finish all of my hospital runs, I head over to Annabelle’s house to pick up my brother Nathan. Annabelle and I have been best friends ever since we met in grade 1 and have been attached at the hip ever since. A lot of you are probably thinking that it’s weird to have a best friend with a matching name and I agree. Annabel and Isabelle. Completely and totally weird, so we go by Anna and Issy. You remember having a best friend that you tell everything to and by everything I mean EVERYTHING. Well Anna is that best friend for me and most of the time I can rely on her more than my own parents. Who are currently unconcerned with there sons well being.

“Anna, I owe you one. I had a couple last minute calls for the hospital…” I say letting my sentence run on.

“Those people over there are working you too hard. Your like an Ox or something…” she says earning her a glare from me, “…you just keeping going and going” she quietly and then yells “JUST LIKE THE BUNNY.” I laugh at her stupidity. But what can I do ignore people in need and hope they go away. Some people are desperate for help and need me.

“Well frankly I like helping people”

“Yes I know. When are you working tomorrow?” she asks.

“The dreaded afternoon shift 11am-3pm”

“Well I am too, so pick you up at 10:30ish?”

“Works for me. Thanks again for watching Nathan for me. Oh, and tell your mom thanks for the roast beef yesterday.”

“Nathan is the sweetest 6 year old on the planet, you know I don’t mind.”

“Nathan come here we are going home now.” I call while retrieving his shoes.

While he slips them on he asks “can go to the park after dinner?” Not sure if my parents are going to be home or not. It would be nice to go to the park though.

“Maybe kiddo, we just have to check up on things at home.”

We walk down Anna’s street and turn onto our street in silence until Nathan breaks it.

“We made cookies at Anna’s house and I got to watch SpongeBob!”

“Did you eat a big lunch?”

“We had Mac ‘n’ cheese.”

“So how about chicken fingers and salad for dinner. Sound good?”

“Okay, is mommy going to be home?”

“Hard to tell” I say as we turn a corner and our house comes into view. Empty driveway. As usually. “How about we go to the park after dinner?”

“Yea, okay”

It breaks my heart that he never sees his mother. Personally I don’t mind her not being home. Less of her trying to figure out what to say to me. Shouldn’t you know how to talk to your own daughter? But at his age I can just imagine what it would be like to never have your parents there. I don’t really know what he is going through; they only started working twice as much since I told them I’m not going to school to be a lawyer, and talking to me three times less than as they used to.
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since people commented right after i posted the first chapter i have decided to post the next chapter i have written. Not to sound too picky but i'd like more comments to know what people think or if they have any pointers.