All You're Made Of

Kill Me With Words.


Wow, wow, fucking wow. I never ever thought I'd fall for a fan. Not ever. All those sweet talking girls and I'd never found anyone so attractive as Sam. She was so cute and adorable and her kisses almost knocked me out. She was the most fucking awesome girl I'd ever met.

So, Sam and I lay on the pavement, making-out. She was also an amazing kisser. Wow. I felt a need to add that remark in there somewhere. To add to your jealousy.

She pulled away for a second, breathless, "Holy shit," she laughed.

"What?" I asked, just as breathless as she was.

"I can't believe I'm making-out with you, Brendon Urie," she said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, I can't believe I fell for you so fast. I can't believe I fell for a fan at all," I smiled back. I still lay atop of her.

"Fell for me?" She asked, yelling a bit, still smiling, but with big, buggy, bulging eyeballs.

"Sam, I really like you," I told her. I'd finally caught my breath.

She planted a very gentle, caring kiss on my lips, "I really like you, too."

I pecked her lips, once more, making her smile.

"I saw you in the crowd. You were singing and dancing and just so much more amazing than the people around you. You seemed so wild and carefree. My heart skipped a beat the moment I saw your pretty face."

"Aw! Brendon, oh my god! I'm not pretty," she laughed, looking away from my eyes.

I kissed her cheek, "You're right. You're beautiful."

"How is it that you just met me and are already saying such sweet things? What're you trying to do to me? Kill me with words?" she teased.

"It's only 'cause I really like you, Sam. And I'd like a better chance to get to know you," I explained.

I watched an excited smile wash over her face.

"So, tomorrow night," I started, "We don't have a show until the next day. Would you like to spend some time with me? Maybe show me around the city a little bit? Get to know each other a bit more?" I asked her.

She laughed, "More than you know, Brendon. More than you know."

I kissed her, again. Getting back into it. Wow, she was amazing. I don't even know better words to explain it.
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