All You're Made Of

All Access


What was going on: I had no fucking clue. How Mikey Way and I met: Not a thought.

All I knew was that my clothes were starting to fall from my body and hit the floor, his meeting them.

Our tongues searched each others mouths as I undid his jeans. I slid them off his gorgeously skinny legs and threw them somewhere by the couch. Then he took control. He pulled my shirt slowly up my body, only disconnecting our lips to get it over my head. I did the same with his shirt. Then he ripped off my jeans and we were only left in undergarments.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mikey panted.

I nodded as I slid his boxers off. He slid my panties off just as easily. Then he threw my bra somewhere to the left as he began to kiss my neck. He worked on my collarbone as I moaned.

Before I knew it I had Mikey was inside of me, sliding in and out. I screamed his name loudly, but he kissed my lips to muffle it some. I laughed a bit as he continued. This was the most amazing experience of my life. I don't even know how to explain it without making you nausious with detail. The way his fingers felt as they traced my spine and the way his warm kisses felt on my neck. Magic.

Before too long he whispered, "I'm close, Nikki."

I nodded in agreement. We both came a few seconds later, riding it out. I felt so amazing. He slid out of me and collapsed next to me, panting heavily as he smiled with every part of his face. He placed another warm kiss on my cheek.

"Mikey Way, do you know how friggen amazing you are in every way possible?" I smirked.

"You're pretty amazing yourself, pretty girl," he said, making me grin a goofy toothy grin.

"I think I might love you--real love, Mikey. It's even more amazing than I ever imagined. You're more amazing than I ever imagined," I told him. I traced the side of his face with my fingertips. He smiled at me.

"I think I love you, too, my beautiful Nikki," he told me. I was ecstatic. I kissed him again.

He grabbed a blanket that was oddly next to us and covered us with it as I cuddled into his chest. This was going at the top of my 'Best Days Ever' list. It was, by far, the best day of my life.
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short, but i guess it's pretty cute. [=