All You're Made Of

Call Me.


Brendon and I had retired to just laying there. I lay on his chest and we just look at the dark sky above us. No stars, obviously, being in the city that never sleeps. We just listened to the cars, and horses, and people. And I listened to his heart beat. It was a beautiful sound, if you ask me.

"Sam?" he asked, startling me.

"Yeah, Brendon?" I questioned.

"I'm really glad I met you tonight," he said. I could almost feel him smile.

"Same," I grinned, "You're totally even more amazing than I thought."

He chuckled, "Thanks, sweet talker."

"You, sir, are the sweet talker in this mixture of two lovely people," I told him chuckling.

"I guess we could say that," he laughed with me. It was silent then for a good ten minutes. It was not at all weird or awkward, nice. I liked the silence between me and Brendon. It felt right, listening to all the sounds around us.

I looked then at my phone and before the realization of my five texts, I realized it was way passed two a.m. It was actually four-thirty. I was so late and Will was totally going to butcher me.

"I-I gotta go, Brendon. My brother's gonna totally kill me for being so late. I was suppose to be home at two," I told him, jumping to my feet.

"Already?" he asked, frowning.

"I've been with you for well over four hours, darling. Most of it spent kissin' ya," I laughed. By then he was on his feet, too.

"I don't really want you to go, though," he poked his bottom lip out at me.

"I have to, Brendon," I said, and whipped a marker out of my pocket, "This was for use if you were gonna sign my shoe or something, but this is much better," I told him, taking his arm and writing my number on it.

"Call me if you want," I smiled, kissing his lips once more, gently and running off, leaving him confused.

I read the five texts I got.

Will: You better be dead or doing something really important to be this late, Sam

Kina: I strongly believe I'll be home maybe tomorrow, cause i'm with gerard effing way right now [=

Nikki: i'll see you when i get home. go without me. i'm busy. [=

Erica: um, see you tomorrow?

Mary: You know the only people I'd risk death for other than my friends is Ryan Ross, so, obvvv...[=

I laughed at my friends and hopped on the train that was luckily exactly the time I needed it to be. I got on. It was crowded, so I stood alone, reflecting on the past nights events. I smiled to myself as I remembered kissing Brendon Urie.
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werd. [=