All You're Made Of

Squabble is An Ugly Word


There was a bit of a squabble, wait, ew, i hate that word. No, no, let's begin, again.

There was a fight going on between Bob and Jon as I sat between them. They were fighting for my attention, I figured, and glaring at each other every so often.

"Erica, do you want to go to the MCR bus for a little while, I'm sure Jon's pretty tired," Bob asked, going to stand up.

"Oh, Bob. Thanks, but I'm not tired at all. You on the other hand, have a bad wrist and just played the drums, even longer than I did. I will bring Erica to the PATD bus to hang out," Jon said, smiling nastily at Bob.

I laughed.

"Well, Erica, what would you rather do?" Bob asked. My laughter quickly subsided as I looked from guy to guy. Shit, I liked both of them.

"Ah, um.."

"Well?" Jon asked.

"I don't care," I said, putting my head down. I looked up again, and noticed Kina consumed with all that is Gerard and Mary and Ryan being all nerdy and cute. Mary looked up at me for a second, as I mouthed, "help me!"

I watched her tell Ryan she'd be right back as she rushed over to us. She jumped on my lap.

"So, what has my lover told you about me?" she asked them, making awkward, seducing faces at me. I began to hysterically laugh.

"Of, so you guys are, like, together?" Bob asked, nervously.

"No!" I screamed, "Mary's just kidding!"

"Oh, I thought you-" she started, "Sorry," she laughed as she walked back to Ryan, bright pink.

"Sorry, she thought I was in need of desperate help. That's our male defense mechanism," I told them, laughing.

"Smart," Jon nodded.

"It usually works, when I actually need help," I explained.

"She's funny."

"Yeah," I said, laughter subsiding, again. They went back to staring at me.

"So, what did you decide?" Bob asked.

"Um, I'll go with Bob?" I said unsure. He leaped up in enjoyment and grabbed my hand. As he pulled me away, I looked at Jon, with a sorry expression. He nodded and got up and walked away.


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I'm not gonna lie, Mary has actually done that, being why i felt the need to put it in there. lol