All You're Made Of

Man, It Feels Good To Feel This Way


My phone began to ring at nine, waking me from my three hour sleepness. I looked at the ID and it was a number I hadn't recognised.

"Hello?" I answered sleepily, yawning and wiping my eyes.

"Hey, Sam," someone said.

"Brendon?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, sorry. I forgot that I had your number and you didn't have mine," he laughed.

"Yeah," I giggled, "So, what's up?"

"Nothing. Are we hanging out today?" he asked.

"Sure, sure!" I exclaimed, happily. He giggled.

"All your friends are on my bus, you know," he told me.

"Really?" I asked, laughing.

"Well, for some odd reason, Mikey, Gerard and Bob are on here. Bob and Erica are in my bunk, naked unfortunately. Mary and Ryan went for an early morning walk, right after Nikki and Mikey got here. Kina and Gerard are onthe couch. And Mikey and Nikki are cuddled somewhere in the back, so I'm pretty much lonely," he said, sounding sad.

"Well, I could fix that right up, couldn't I?" I laughed. I was mindlessly twisting a piece of my hair, by this time. I had such a crush.

"I'm sure you could with just a kiss," he said. I heard the smile in his voice, making me smile, too.

"Well, should I come by, then?" I asked.

"Please do," he laughed.

"I'll be there around eleven," I told him.

He laughed, "I can't wait."

"See you soon, Brendon."

Bye, Sam," he said, and we hung up. I jumped into the shower and got myself all pretty for Brendon.


"Sam!" he exclaimed, as I walked up the stairs of Penn Station. He was waiting for me! He was so freakin cute!

"Hey, Brendon!" I screamed. He ran over and tackled me in a gigantic hug. Before I knew it, he'd placed his lips on mine and we were kissing. I shut my eyes and smiled. It was completely perfect until some asshole guy pushed me and we broke apart and I fell a little bit. (Luckily, Brendon was there to catch me)

He laughed and grabbed my hand and led me back to the Panic at the Disco bus.

"Are you sure you wanna go in there? Bob and Erica in your bunk..." I started, giggling a bit.

"Um, you're right," he sighed, "Um, we can go to MCR's bus..."

"Sure," I smiled. He led me to the My Chemcial Romance bus, then. The only ones on it were Frank and Ray. They were sitting on the couch, versing each other at some racing game. Ray was winning.

As they noticed us standing there, they stopped the game and smiled.

"Hey, whats up?" Frank asked. Ooh, he was a cutie, too.

"Um, we were wondering if we could hang out here considering my bus and bunk are occupado," Brendon said. Ray and Frank looked at each other and nodded.

"Sure you can!"

"Thank you, so much, guys," I said, smiling.

"Anytime, Sam," Frank said. Awwe! He remembered my name!

"Yeah, seriously. You don't seem like the creepy fan girl type, so we have no problem having you here. You either, Brendon," Ray said.

"Awe, thanks guys," I smiled, blushing. They laughed and Brendon led me to the back of the bus, for another heavy make-out session. Now, that was to my liking.
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dedicated to mary, cause we just sang the bestest freakin song
It's Almost Halloween - Panic at the Disco
it was fun.
and no, i don't mean This Is Halloween, Douchesack [=