All You're Made Of

Can't Deny The Happening


Mikey and I were in the back of the bus. Panic at the Disco's bus, strangely. We were watching a movie on some portable dvd player that Mikey had found in Jon's bunk. I think we were watching The Happening, but I was more interested in watching Mikey Way.

Mikey had fallen asleep about half way into the movie. He was snoring lightly, laying on my lap. I smiled to myself.

"Where's my damn d--Oh, hello," Jon said, looking at me, oddly.

"Hi, Jon," I smiled.

"I don't remember Mikey being in my band," he joked.

"I guess you're out of the loop, then," I chuckled.

"Guess so. That mine?" he asked, curiously, looking at his dvd player.

"Er, yes. Sorry."

"No problem at all," he laughed, "How can I deny you The Happening?"

"You can't deny me The Happening," I grinned.

"Well, have fun," he said, walking back to the front of the bus. Mikey opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Did I fall asleep?" he yawned.

I nodded, giggling.

"Sorry, Nikki," he said, frowning.

"It's okay. Why do you need to be sorry?" I asked.

He shrugged, "It seemed like it fit."

"Hey, as long as your Mikey Way there won't be any reason for you to be sorry for falling asleep on my lap in the middle of the Happening," I smirked.

He laughed and pecked my lips. I closed the dvd player as I kissed him, again. He smiled as we lay back, him on top of me, making-out. And we continued to do so, undisturbed for a long while, which made me quite the happy-kid
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its for nikki, get over it and comment.