All You're Made Of

James Kirk: Brendon In Disguise.


Brendon and I had decided to take a bit of a walk around the city, cause I had promised him I'd show him around. I had fun disguising him. I even picked out a name to call him and everything. He was no longer Brendon Urie. He became James Kirk. It sounds fun, doesn't it?

He had his arm around my shoulder as I showed him around the city. I was there a lot, almost since child birth. The city was like my second home, and I knew my way around so well.

"That's my favorite!" I said toBrendon James It was the giant Toys-R-Us. He smiled, interlocked our fingers, and pulled me into the store. I was giggling like crazy by the time we both got in there, but i immediately stopped as soon as I looked inside. Brendon and I looked around in awe. I hadn't been there in so long, but it was still so amazing.

"Wow," we seemed to say at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed. I dragged him, by the hand, over to the escalator. We got on and went upstairs to the Barbie's and Lego's galore.

"Oh, my god. James, can we go in the Barbie dream house? Please?" I begged, sticking out my bottom lip.

He laughed and nodded as I dragged him into it. It was an over-sized Barbie house. I loved it so much.

"You know, I've always wanted to live in here. I was obsessed with Barbie's when I was a kid," I told him, as we walked around.

"Really? Is that so?" he asked, laughing.

I stopped right in front of the window, "Mhmm."

I turned to him and smiled at him. He smiled back as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, deeply.

"Sam, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. My eyes lit up and I grinned.

I kissed him and as I pulled away I yelled, "Brendon Urie, of course I'll be you're girlfriend!"

He kissed me again. "Wait, aren't I Jam--"

"Brendon Urie!" some girl screamed, rushing over to us, snapping pictures and asking a million questions. Apparently, there were tons of Panic at the Disco fans at Toys-R-Us on that day cause so many people ran up to us, my head began to spin.

Brendon grabbed my hand and we both ran, full-speed, out of the toy store. The crazy fans chased us, but we just kept running.

By the time we ran six blocks and hid behind a starbucks, we'd lost them. I looked at Brendon, out of breath, and blushing.

"I-I'm sorry about that," I told him, "Sometimes I yell like that."

He laughed, "It's okay, Sam. At least they didn't catch us."

"I guess you're right," I giggled.

"So, you're my girlfriend," he grinned.

I smiled back, "I am."

He leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, but then he pulled away.

"I'm glad."

"Me, too."

With that, he intertwined our fingers and we walked back to the buses, chatting away, normal as ever, but on the inside, I was screaming and jumping with over-hyperactive-kid joy.
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bad title, bad chapter, I'm sorry.
just comment, please.
name, and chapter dedicated to kina, cause she thought of it[=