All You're Made Of

In The Middle Of A Mosh Pit...


There were teenies all over me, screaming that they were going to meet the bands and they were gonna get together.

Yea, right, I thought. Like any of them are going for twelve year old girls when they could have any fucking girl here.

"The singer is so cute! He's all over my wall!" I heard one girl say to her friend.

"What's his name? I like the singer of My Chemical Romance. Gerard Way. We're getting married," she giggled.

"Well, my husband's name is Brendon, so you can call me Mrs Urie, Claire," she grinned, showing a mouth full of braces.

"Neither of them are marrying either of you, so I suggest you shut up and enjoy the concert, or I'm gonna have to do something drastic," I smiled down at them.

The one talking about Brendon Urie looked up at me, "Oh, yea? And what makes you think that, slut? Gonna suck your way into their pants?"

"First of all, you're like twelve! Second of all, you're a brat."

"Really? Well, my dad is right back there and he'll come up here and kick your ass!" she growled.

I laughed, "Oh, your dad?"

"Yea. My dad. He'll take care of you, whore!" she yelled. I went to lunge at her, but Kina grabbed my arm, laughing a bit.

"Calm down, Nikki. They'll be on any second," she giggled.

I sighed. A few minutes longer we'd have to wait. Then Panic! at the Disco would grace the stage. Then My Chemical Romance. I was an over-joyed, over-hyped mess, and it hadn't even started. I felt way too anxious for my own good, but I was so happy that nothing could bother me.

I was waiting, watching. Panic! at the Disco was going to be on any minute. I would be less than thirty feet away from them, in the middle of a mosh pit that would probably murder me. I wasn't anything less than ecstatic.

I looked over at my four friends, who had looked just as excited as I was.

I glanced over at Sam, "How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm going to die of excitement."

I laughed as Kina pointed to the side of the stage, "I see Ryan Ross! It has to be starting!"

I smiled. Then the lights went down and I turned to the stage. Standing there, I saw Panic at the Disco. Ryan Ross, Brendon Urie, Jon Walker, and Spencer smith. I could have sworn Brendon looked our way. Maybe at Sam? I can almost promise. Almost. Well, not really, but it's possible.
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