All You're Made Of

The World Has Its Shine. Baby, You Make It Shine


Gerard and I were watching the TV on Panic at the Disco's bus. I was cuddled into his chest and it felt so right. Like we were really meant to be together forever.

Gerard was warm. He felt like a werewolf. My own personal werewolf, though I always compared him to a vampire. Kind of like my Emmet Cullen, you know? I always had this plan: If I couldn't get Gerard Way, I would break Emmet and Rosalie up so I could have Emmet. It's not like my friends did anything for my obsession. They went along with me.

But I got my Gerard Way. And I was keeping him, no matter what it took.

The only thing I needed to figure out: How the hell was I gonna manage his stupid tours? Urgg.

"I have a question, Gee," I said, breaking his trance from the television.

"Ask away, beautiful," he smiled, chuckling a bit.

I smiled, "When do you guys go back on the road? Like, where's your next stop and when?"

He sighed, "I think we're staying in New York for another two days. Then I think it's off to Pennsylvania."

"Ah," I nodded.

He looked into my eyes, grinning, "When do you go back on tour?"

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"Well, would it just so happen that you're leaving the same day we are?" he questioned.

I just stared at him, "Gerard, I don't understand what you're getting at..."

"Well, I have a question for you now, Kina dear..." he smirked.

"What is it, Gee?" I asked.

"Will you join me on tour?"

"But Gee--"

"--And be my girlfriend?" he smiled. I grinned wide and kissed him on the lips.

"Duh," I giggled. He laughed, too, kissing me once more.

"Love at first sight. I love you, Kina," he said, my face in his hands.

I blushed a nice shade of red, "And I love you, too, Gerard."

And then the fire works went off above our heads, causing a standing ovation and--just kidding. what do you think i'm writing; fiction?
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