All You're Made Of

3...2...1...We Go Like...


It was probably around one or two when we'd finally gotten everyone together to go out to lunch. We all met outside the buses.

"Where to?" Kina questioned.

"Oooh, ooh, wanna go to the pizza place across the street?" Frank suggested.

"Sure," everyone agreed. So the entire group of sixteen people ran across the busy street of Manhattan. Cars beeped and honked at us, angrily, but luckily, we all got across safely.

"Hey, baby," some guy in pink sunglasses winked at me and Kina. Mikey pulled me close.

"The only man's baby she is is mine, bud," he smiled, kissing my cheek. I blushed deep red.

It wasn't very crowded, so after we ordered the whole group of us sat together. I sat between Mikey(obviously) and Brendon, and Sam was on the other side of him, with Erica on the other side of her. Kina and Gerard sat across from me with Frank and Ray get it, right? Okay, so it was loud and crazy and I was with all the boys and girls I ever wanted in my life. I smiled to myself thinking how lucky I got.

"Who wants to hear a storehhhh?" Sam yelled, throwing her pizza on her plate, obviously just realizing she had a story to tell. We all quieted down and looked at her, waiting for her story.

"Ooh, so many eyes lookin' at me," she said, looking around the table.

"Sam, just tell the freakin' story!" I yelled.

"Sorry, um, well, today me and Brendon went to Toys-R-Us, right? I named him and all that crap and then I completely ruined it by--"

"Just like always?" I giggled. She tried glaring at me without smiling, but she couldn't help it.

"ANYWAY, so, I accidentally called him Brendon and then we got chased by all these fan-girls. Oh, man, did I run. Phew, it was a workout. We all know I hate running. Well, most of you do," she paused, "Anyways, so we stopped behind this starbucks. And guess what I am now!"

"A prostitute?" Mary guessed. Everyone laughed and Ryan kissed her shoulder. Apparently they were together, too.

Erica gasped and pointed at Sam, "SHE'S GOT A FETUS!"

She shook her head, laughed and smiled, "I am the new girlfriend of Brendon Urie."

"Aw!" we all cooed.

"Me and Gerard are together, too!" Kina yelped, holding her and Gerard's hands up.

"So are we," Ryan said, hugging Mary.

"Dibs!" Erica screamed, pointing to Bob. I took a quick glance at Jon who looked like....well, let's just say if looks could kill, Bob would be a dead man four times over.

But then it dawned on me: Mikey and I were the only ones who weren't a coupled. Except, of course, Ray and Frank and Spencer and Jon and them, but I had sex with Mikey and he still hadn't asked me out. Was he just using me, do you think?

"Well, that makes this kinda special, doesn't it?" Mikey smiled. We all looked at him, very confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, we're the last ones aren't we," he laughed, "Nikki, I was just wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend."

"Of course, Mikey!" I grinned, jumping on him in a hug. He hugged back around my waist as I held onto his neck.

"That's so cute!" Sam shouted, throwing her arms up in excitement.

"Congratulations, all!" Ray said to everyone. We all cheered. There were now five amazing newbie couples on this tour. Let's see where that would take us.
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comment, pwease!

and the title comes from the last lyric i listened to before writing the title [=