All You're Made Of

There's A Name For All.


I was grinning for hours. Hours, yes, hours. I was so happy to have Nikki, the most amazing girlfriend ever, with me. The excitement built by the second. She just made me so happy for no real reason at all.

We'd left the lot about four hours earlier. I had my arms wrapped around Nikki. Her, Kina, Gerard, Frank, Ray, Bob, Erica and I sat in the back of the bus, really doing nothing in particular. I mostly stared at my amazing girlfriend.

Her phone began buzzing, signifying a text message. I looked at it with her.

Sam: Hello, Nikkeh-bo-Bikkeh.

Nikki: how do you do, Shmamapajama?

"You guys have odd names for each other," I commented. She laughed a bit, kissing my cheek.

"Poor, naive, Michael. Soon you will own a cool nickname of your own," she told me, grinning.

"I have one already," Frank said.

"From who?" Nikki asked. He pointed his finger at Erica.

"Fwinklewink," Erica grinned. I laughed.

"I want one!" Ray whined.

Then Sam texted back once more, Swell, and yourself?

Nikki: Sam, give Ray a nickname.

Sam: Pancho. [=

Nikki: Pancho?

Sam: Don't question. I shared my wisdom with you, nikkeh.

Nikki: OK, he's Pancho.

"Uh, Ray, you've got one," I laughed.

He looked at me with excitement, "What is it?!"

Nikki smirked, "Pancho."


"Sam spoke her words of wisdom. Don't question it," Nikki giggled. I kissed her cheek.

"What's mine gonna be?" I whispered in her ear.

She turned to me and smiled, "You shall be...Shnookums!"

I shook my head laughing.

"Gerard, you're gonna be Giggles. Get it straight, fool," Erica said, nodding her head in Gee's direction.

"I got it...straight," he saluted.

She smiled as she turned and kissed Bob.

'So, now we've all got nicknames?" Kina asked.

Bob pulled away from Erica and shook his head, "I don't!"

Nikki: How bout Bob, oh wise one?

Sam: Bobbity-Shmob-Dob, of course!

"Well, according to Sam you're Bobbity-Shmob-Dob," Nikki told him.

He shrugged, "Works for me."

"Good, now we've all got nicknames," Kina said, snuggling into Gee's chest, content.

"Yep, and they will never leave this bus," Ray laughed. We all joined in.

"That's what you think," Kina and Nikki said at the same time.

"Oh, jeez," I said, shaking my head, smiling.

Nikki turned to me, "You will so love it when I call you Shnookums, Mikey."

I smiled, "You know it."

I kissed her quick and hugged her closer to my body.

"But only because I love you," I whispered. I watched her face turn colors along reds and pinks. And I grinned some more.
♠ ♠ ♠
most names came from the help of Nikkeh. [=
and this is for Nikkeh, so Nikkeh, here you go