All You're Made Of

Your Eyes Just Scream Disaster.


"We have to tell Sam!" I yelped. Kina had just told me and Erica what she'd overheard the night before. Frank liked Sam.

The guys were at a sound check.

"I can't believe Fwinklewink likes Sam," Erica laughed, "It's like--"

"Cute!" Kina giggled, "ShmambamBOOM and Fwinklewink."

"Wait, she's with Brendon..." I said.

"Aw, poor Fwinkle," Erica frowned, "He doesn't stand a chance against him."

"It's possible, you know. She does think he's hot an--" Kina started.

"Hey, girlies," Sam said, coming onto the bus with Mary.

"Shmamapajama! ScaryMary!" I yelled.

Sam laughed, "Nikkeh! Shmerica! Boob!"

"Nikki, I hate you for started that," Kina said, glaring at me.

"Oh, you love me, Boob," I grinned. She just laughed.

Sam and Mary joined us on the couch.

"So, Sam, who knew you were such a sexy beast?" Erica laughed.

She looked at her, blank-faced, "What's that suppose to mean? Don't confuse me..."

"Guys, I can't tell her. The guys will kill me," Kina whispered to me and Erica.

I rolled my eyes, "That's not true."

"Tell me, ho!" Sam yelled.

Erica giggled, "Well, I know something you don't know."

"And that would be...?"

"I know somebody who likes you," I smiled.

"Ooh, so do I! Brendon," Mary grinned.

"My boyfriend?" Sam asked, "I would hope so..."

"Yeah, Sam!" Kina said, trying to keep it from her. "Guys, c'mon.."

"No, no. Someone who resides on this bus," I said, laughing a bit. I looked towards Erica who was smirking at her.

"This is just gonna screw shit up, Nikki. Erica? Guys..." Kina said, acting like a mother. Erica and I just looked at her. She sighed, sat back and nodded for us to carry on.

"Somebody tell me whats going on!" Sam said, jumping from her seat, being the imatient bitch we all know and love.

"Guess," Erica laughed.

"I hate you guys. Just fucking tell me," she growled.

"C'mon, just take a guess," I said to her.

She glared at me, "I don't know. Erica?"

We all laughed, well, everyone but Sam.

"Well, I'll give you a hint: He has a penis," Kina said. I was happy that she was getting in on it, too.

"Oh, my god, only one of them has a penis?" Mary asked, frantically.

I laughed. She was a bit slow.

"No, Mary. All five of the guys have penis'," Erica told her, shaking her head.


"I hate this. Please, just tell me," Sam whined.

Kina sighed, "He's got brown hair, kinda short--"

"Oh, my god, it's Frank!" she screamed. We all started hysterically laughing at the stupid grin put on Sam's face.

"You're with Brendon, remember, Sam?" Kina alerted her. Her grin fell quickly.

"You're not happy with Brendon?" I questioned.

"Of course I am, but I can't help but be happy that the rythm guitarist of MCR likes me, you know," she said.

"So, you like him, too?" I asked her, eyes wide.

"Well, sorta, kinda, yeah. If things don't work out with Brendon, you know, Frank is a great guy and he seems sweet and, well, I--"

Kina shook her head, "I knew this would start trouble!"

She quickly walked out of the room and nobody else said a word. As I looked around, Sam was redfaced and nervous, Erica looked kind of like, "ooh, shiny," Mary was staring out the door Kina had just walked from and I just sat there, unsure of what to do next.

Eventually, we all said our awkward goodbyes as the guys got back onto the bus. Sam walked passed Frank with a quick, "Um, Hey," before running to the other bus, Mary close behind her.

"Why'd they leave so quick?" Frank asked, sounding a bit sad. Me and Erica looked at each other and shrugged, still not saying a word. Kina came back a bit after them and didn't really talk much the rest of the night. She was either pissed, upset or something in between. I didn't really know why, it wasn't her problem.


Mikey and I were sitting on the couch, his arms wrapped around me. He was all sweaty and warm, but I refused to let him shower. I liked this too much. They'd just played an amazing concert at some venue in northern Pennsylvania and it blows my mind how amazing they can play every single show, as much as it doesn't surprise me.

Everything was still a bit awkward as the five girls stood back stage, awaiting MCR to actually start playing. It was intermission and Panic at the disco had just finished.

"So, how bout that weather..." Mary said, trying to make conversation.

"It's, uh, warm," I added. I wanted to make everyone talk and so did Mary. I was on a mission.

"Isn't that right, guys?" Mary asked.

"Guys, just quit it," Kina shot at us. We stopped with the weather bit quickly.

"Can we at least talk?" I asked.

"Sure, I guess," Sam shrugged, "But can it be a normal conversation instead of this asinine one about the warm weather? It's obviously warm. It's fucking July."


"Hey, baby," Mikey said, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Hey," I smiled, turning around to kiss him.

"Hi, girls," Mikey nodded to the other four girls standing there.

"Hey, Mikey," they all answered. Yeah, what a conversation.

"I gotta go on now, but I just wanted a kiss for luck," he smiled at me.

I kissed him, "Good luck, Mikey."

"Thanks, beautiful," he said, kissing my nose and walking onto stage, behind Gerard and Frank. Frank waved to us quick as the rest of the guys headed on and fan screamed.

"Hey, guys," Spencer greeted, as Panic walked over to us. Brendon kissed Sam's cheek and Ryan wrapped his arms around Mary. Jon stood next to Erica, in all his glory, and Spencer just hung around awkwardly. This whole night was awkward, it seemed.

"What's up?" Jon asked, mainly Erica.

"Um, nothing," I shrugged.

"True," Spencer laughed. I did, too, and so did Kina. That was the first I saw her smile in at least six hours.

"So, Spence, how've you been? We never actually got a chance to really meet. I'm Kina," Kina said to him, grinning.

He laughed, "Yeah, I remember. You were the one who hugged Gerard like a lunatic when we first met you guys. Who could forget a girl like you."

"Well, I try," she blushed. We all laughed. Oh, Kina, please don't tell me you like Spencer now.

We continued on with our funny conversation that was only funny in the, "Woo, I have nothing to say," kind of way. Then Mikey broke me from my remenicence.

"Nikki, wanna head to bed? I'm kind of tired," he said, looking into my eyes.

I nodded, "Sure. I guess I am, too."

"Okay, let's go. Night, guys," Mikey said to the rest of the group we were sitting with.

I smiled, "See you in the AM."

Nodds and waves and nights came from the whole room as me and Mikey headed off bed. I hoped with everything that all would be normal by the next day.
♠ ♠ ♠

is it hard: sometimes.
can you play with it: yes.

haha, i just played 20Q with mary. can you guess what it was?
Brendon Urie [=

p.s. scarymary is marys nickname. long story.
p.s.s. nikkeh told me to name kina BOOB, soo...

And I like the song the title came from, though I have no idea what its from or who it's by. though i could probably sing it to you. haah