All You're Made Of

Sing Me A Song.


No way! That didn't just happen, I'm dreaming! Brendon Mother Fucking Urie did not just look at me!

My mind was realing. Brendon Urie looked over to the front of the stage, into the crowd and I could have sworn he looked at me. And smiled with his perfect teeth. I was dying as I flipped out, singing along to Panic! at the Disco, and jumping up and down like a five year old stuck inside this nineteen year old's body. And I loved the feeling. I felt like a huge teenie.

Song after song, I watched Brendon. It seemed as though his eyes always traveled my way, though. I must be going crazy, I told myself.

I kept singing along as my friends got tossed around the mosh pit. No matter what, they'd always end up right back where I was, though, so, I wasn't very worried. I was more focused on the band that was currently 'rocking my world', if you will.

Again, his eyes landed close to me, this time, I couldn't quite make out whether it could have been on me, or not. On every star I'd ever wished on, I'd wished for Brendon Urie. I was madly in love with this man since the day his voice entered my head.

Shut up, Sam!, I yelled at myself. I shook everything out of my head and again focused on the music. I was dead set on not listening to anything but that. Only Brendon Urie's beautiful voice. The trance I was in was broken when Nikki tapped me on the shoulder.

"This is fucking amazing!" she screamed.

I nodded and smiled.

"Brendon looks pretty great up there," she laughed, yelling still, over the music.

"And every other day of his life," I told her, grinning.

She laughed, again.

"Maybe for you, but I'm waiting for--"

"Mikey. Yeah, I know, Nikki. I know you," I told her. She turned a bit pink as we again sang to the music.

Their set was almost over. Brendon would go back to being perfect and I would again, just be a girl in the crowd, lost in a sea of people mixed with odd feelings.

They started I Write Sins Not Tragedies and I laughed, looking over at Nikki. She knew why, too. She remembered the Summer that I Write Sins Not Tragedies was my song, and wouldn't stop singing it for anything.

They sang the song, we sang along. And finally, their time had ended. I looked at Nikki, sadly.

"Was it just me or was Brendon checking you out the entire time?" she asked. She noticed it, too? Maybe I'm not so crazy.