All You're Made Of

As Long As You Love Me


"Sam I just want to know if--"

"I'm fine, Brendon!" she screamed.

I laughed dryly, "Cause that sounds so fine, right?"

She sighed and literally looked like she was about to cry. I went over and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. Something was seriously wrong since this afternoon. All I knew was that she was at the MCR bus for a while.

"Brendon, I'm sorry," she said, voice cracking.

"Why are you sorry, though, Sam? What happened?" I asked, rubbing her arm.

She sighed, "Everything and nothing?"

"Just explain," I told her.

She looked at me, "Well, I found some things out when I went to hang out today."

"Like what?" I questioned.

"Well, I found out that Frank liked me," she said as a tear slid down her face, bringing some of her eyeliner with it. I wiped the tear away.


"Well, honestly, it made me kind of happy. Made me feel kind of special," she paused, "Brendon, you know I'm head over heels for you, right?"

I smiled, "I know, Sam."

"Well, then they were all like, "Does he have a chance". I really didn't know what to say. Sure, Frank's good looking, I won't lie. I said that if you and I didn't work out. But I just feel horrible now," she told me.

"So, basically, you told your friends that Frank had a chance with you? You're upset because you didn't really mean it?" I guessed.


"What then?" I asked.

"I feel horrible because I really did mean it. Brendon, I love you, but if you ever broke my heart, there's no doubt that I would turn to Frank," she told me.

It stung a little, I'm not gonna lie. It stung, but I was alright with it. I mean, I wasn't gonna hold it against her.

"I don't want you mad, but I'll understa--"

"Sam, it's okay," I told her.

She looked confused, "What? I basically just told you that I like Frank, Brendon."

I laughed a bit, "I know. It stings a little, but you know, I can't blame you."

"Brendon, I want to be with you. I would give anything to be with you forever, but if anything happened I would have to move on, right?" she said.

I smiled, "I want to be with you forever."

"And I want to be with you," she smiled back, through her tears.

"So, you think Frank's attractive. Big deal," I shrugged, "I love you."

She grinned, "I love you, too. So, you're really okay with this? You don't hate me?"

"I could never hate you," I chuckled, "Ever."

"I promise you, Frank will never come between us, Brendon. I can be friends with him without anything happening."

"I believe you. I trust you, Sam," I smiled at her.

"I can't get over you not being mad," she laughed.

"I'm not the jealous type," I shrugged, "As long as you love me..."

"That's gonna be forever, you know. Sure you can handle it?" she smiled.

"You know it," I grinned. I leaned over and kissed her lips. It was sweet yet lustful as we began to make out.

Before long her phone began to ring.

"I don't know who it is," she said, looking at the ID.

I shrugged, "Answer it."

She nodded and picked it up, putting it on speaker, "Hello?"

"Hey, Sam! It's Frank," he said. I bit my lip to keep from yelling at the phone. I guess maybe I was the jealous type. I told Sam I trusted her, I wasn't gonna ruin it.

"Um, Hi, Frank..." she said, confused.

"Nikki gave me your number," he said, laughing.

"You read my mind, Frank," she laughed.

"Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to get a cup of coffee or something. I mean, Ray is playing some stupid video game so I'm kinda bored, you know? I decided to call a friend and you're really the only one I know over there," he said. I wanted to scream and yell that Sam was mine and he wasn't getting his hands on her but I held back.

"Well, I don't know. Not today, Frank. Sorry. Another day, maybe?" she was biting her lip, looking at me like she had no idea what to say. I just shrugged.

"O-oh, okay, Sam. Did I interrupt something?" he asked in a very sad tone. I rolled my eyes.

"Hardly, Frank. I mean, I would love to get coffee, I'm just tired, you know?" she lied.

"Isn't that what coffee's all about?" he laughed a bit.

She sighed, "Sorry, Frank."

"Oh, it's okay. I'll try to get Ray to come with me. If not I guess I'm heading out alone," he said, sighing. you could head out with a bloody nose, bud. No, I needed to act like this didn't phase me.

"I'm sorry, Frankie," she said. I gagged as she called him by thathorrible excuse for a nickname.

"It's fine, Sam. Another day. Promise?" he asked. I felt the growl in the back of my throat. I felt so protective.

"M-maybe, Frank. I'll talk to you later," Sam said.

"Bye, Sammy," he said, a bit too gleefully.

"Bye, Frankie," she laughed and hung up. As soon as she did I attacked her with my lips.

"Bren. What. Is. This?" she laughed between kisses.

I grinned at her, "I don't know."

She laughed as I continued to kiss her. I was gonna get her mind off Frank as quick as possible. I had no idea what I was doing, but I wasn't losing Sam to him. Never.
♠ ♠ ♠
lol, to Nikki:

i love you, but i had inspiration for a shmendon.
don't be mad. you'll get your cheepo sex soon.

love always,