All You're Made Of

Dinner and A Movie


"You're seriously going out with him?" I screamed at Sam as she put her make-up on in the mirror. She was going to get dinner with Frank.

"Brendon, I thought we settled this: I'm not gonna do anything. We're friends," she sighed, looking at me through the mirror. I stood behind her. She had this short, navy blue dress on. It was one of those prom-looking, poofy dresses, but damn, did it look great.

"Sam," I sighed, "It's not you I'm worried about. It's that prick. He's in fucking love with you!"

"Correction Brendon: he likes me. There's a ginormous difference. I like him and love you. You see?" she asked, turning around and kissing me on the lips.

"Sam, please, don't go," I pleaded, "Stay here with me."

"I'll be home in like, two hours, Bren. We're getting dinner as friends. He's my friend. Nothing will happen, babe," she told me.

"The problem is..."

"What, Brendon?" she asked, looking into my eyes. I looked back into hers.

I sighed, "You look beautiful right now and you're going out with Frank..."

She smirked at me, "You're an asshole."

"No," I laughed, "I tell it like it is."

She kissed me, again, "I love you, okay?"

"Okay," I nodded, biting my lip.

"So, you're okay with me going with Frank now?" she questioned.


She gave me that look like, 'You'd better be.'

"Yes, Sam. I trust you," I sighed.

She grinned, "It'll be fine, Brenny."

"Okay, Sam," I smiled back. I then heard more chatter on the bus and looked through the door. Frank was now standing in the kitchen area, taking to Spencer and Mary.

"Frank!" Sam yelled, rushing into the room to hug him.

"Hey! Ready to go?" he asked, kissing her cheek.

"Um..I think so," she said, looking down to make sure she wasn't missing anything. She grabbed her cell phone off the couch and looked back at me.

"Bye, buttface," she grinned, blowing me a kiss. I pretended to catch it. I swore I saw a twinge of envy in Frank's eyes that made me feel victorious.

"Let's go," he said to her, "Bye."

I got a small glimpse of her getting into a limo with him behind her before the limo pulled away.

"Brendon, wanna watch a movie with us?" Mary asked, referring to her, Ryan and Spencer. Jon was nowhere to be found.

"Why not?" I laughed, sitting on the floor next to Spence. Might as well pass the time quicker.
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there you are, nikki.