All You're Made Of

Can You Keep A Secret?


I decided to pay a visit to my good friends on the PATD bus. I happened to be quite bored, considering Gerard had dragged Mikey out to god-knows-where and Kina had crashed at like, eight. And lord knows what Berica was doing.

"Hello, all!" I yelled, stepping onto the bus.

They all waved back. I popped a squat next to Spencer, who was sitting next to Brendon, who looked kind of pissed.

"Why the long face, Brendon?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Nothing," he growled.

"Rawr," I said, backing away a bit.

"He's upset cause Sam's out with Frank," Spencer said like it was nothing.

"You know nothing's gonna happen, right?" I asked.

"We hope," he hissed.

"Sam's not like that..."

"I'm not worried about Sam, Nikki!" he exploded, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"So, you're worried about Frank putting the moves on her," I nodded, "I get it."

"Yes, Nikki."

"Alright, alright. I highly doubt you'll have to worry, Brendon," I shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah."

He was seriously being a jealous prick. I wanted to hit him. I sat back for a few minutes, joining them for a movie; Ghost Rider. Then my phone began to ring.

I hopped off the bus and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"N-nikki?" I heard Sam cry.

I began to get frantic, "What happened, Sam?"

"I-I don't know. He kissed me. I-I walked out. I didn't know what else to do," she wailed.

"Where are you now?" I asked.

She sniffed, "Right next to you."

I turned around and saw her there, bawling. I hugged her.

"Nikki, I can't face Brendon now."

I sighed, "Sam, you didn't kiss him. He kissed you. Brendon can't be mad at that."

She wiped the eyeliner dripping down her face, "But he'll get mad. At Frank. I don't want Frank hurt or anything. He's still my friend."


"J-just keep it quiet, Nikki. Keep your mouth shut about it. He doesn't have to know. Ever," she said.

I looked at her for a minute, contemplating what to do, "Come clean up on the My Chem bus. I'm sure Brendon will suspect something if you have make-up down your face."

"Thank you, Nikki," she smiled through shiny tears.

I smiled back, "No problem, Sam."

It felt wrong, but I'd do it anyway. Frank had become my friend, too. I didn't want him hurt either, as much as Brendon deserved to know.
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i don't really like it.
and shall get your issues soon...once mine are finalized. thanks. [=