All You're Made Of

All Eyes On Me


Panic! at the Disco left the stage and Sam and I started up conversation.

"Was it just me or was Brendon checking you out the entire time?" I asked her, smiling.

She grinned, "I fucking hope so."

"Well, you are one fine lookin' girl," I told her, elbowing her in the side a couple times.

She laughed, "Shut up, Nikki."

"Whatever," I giggled. A few more moments and My Chemical Romance began to sworm the stage. Then I saw, the one, the only, Mikey Way. I smiled wide as I jumped up and down and screamed.

They began the first few songs and we all moshed and danced and sang.

Mikey was most definately looking at me. I can promise that. His eyes were directly on mine and I knew it. He smiled a bit and looked back away, but I know that our eyes had met.

I felt my face turn crimson and get warm, but I shrugged it off. I'd made eye contact with Mikey Way. I was more than just happy.

I continued to sing and dance and then I notice Sam was again by my side, doing the exact same thing.

By the time it had ended Sam and I were out of breath and laughing. I gave one more quick glance toward Mikey and watched him walk off the stage.

"I'm pretty sure that was the best night of my life," Sam said, out of breath, grinning.

I laughed, "That was amazing."

We then watched Mary, Erica, and Kina run over to us.

"We. Stuck. In. Corner. For. End Of. Show!" Erica said, between breaths. Me and Sam looked at each other and laughed, again.

"I. Have. To pee!" Mary said. Kina and Erica went with Mary and Sam and I sat in the middle of the floor, while everyone exited, waiting for our friends to return.
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ya herd!