All You're Made Of



I was pretty much yelling at Gerard all night before I retired toour my sleeping quarter. I gave him the couch. I was really pissed that he'd done what he'd done.

I'd fell asleep for a while. With all the anger I had still built up inside me I crashed. It had only been like, one in the morning. It was pretty weird for me.

But I woke up, again. It was about five. I figured everyone to be dead asleep by now. I wanted to go right back asleep, but I felt like something was missing. I just couldn't fall back asleep.

I knew what was missing. I knew damn well what I needed to sleep. It was Gerard. I needed his strong arms wrapped around me like a barrier. I needed his warmth. I needed him.

I weasled myself out of the bunk and plopped my feet on the floor. Snores came from around the bus. Yeah, everyone was sleeping.

I walked into the livingroom to see Gerard. He was sound asleep on the couch. He'd only had his boxers on. He looked so freaking cute.

I leaned down to his ear, "Gerard?"

He mumbled something, sounding like "Cheese muffin balls." I laughed a little.

I whispered his name, again.

This time his eyes shot opened. He sleepily looked at me.

Yawning he whispered, "Kina?"


"Don't you hate me? What are you doing?" he asked.

I laughed, "I don't hate you, Gerard. I don't. I was mad."

"Still mad?" he asked.

"Eh, I don't know. Are you ever gonna tell Frank to kiss Sam, again?"

"Never," he chuckled.

"Then you're forgiven," I grinned.

"Great," he laughed.

"Wanna come to bed?" I asked him, pointing to the bunks.

He shook his head.

I looked at him confused.

"Why don't you just lay here with me?" he smiled.

I grinned down at him.

He patted the room in front of him and I jumped onto the couch. He protectively wrapped his arm around my waist.

He kissed the back of my head, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

A few moments later he was sleeping, again. I smiled, shutting my eyes.


"--And I know we get a little crazy, and I know we get a little loud! And I know we're never gonna fake it! We are wild, we are free, we are more than you think, so call us freaks, but that's just the way we roll--" I sang into my hairbrush as I did my hair that morning. To my knowledge Gerard was still sleeping.

At least thats what I thought until he scared the ever-living buh-jesus out of me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Any specific reason you're singing the Jonas Brothers?" he asked, sleepy-toned.

"I have a secret obsession with Joe Jonas," I grinned, "I like his face."

"Oh, so, now there's competition?" he asked, laughing.

"Yes, cause I'm leaving you for a Jonas Brother sometime real soon, Gee. That's been my plan all along," I rolled my eyes.


"You're silly," I told him, grinning and turning to kiss his cheek. He shifted so my lips landed on his.

"The good kind, right?" he smiled.

"O'course!" I yelled.

He laughed, "Good."

I felt my phone vibrate, indicating a text message.

"I believe you have a text," Gerard informed me.

"I know," I nodded.

He continued to look at me, "Gonna check it?"

I shrugged, "I guess."

I pulled out my phone and saw: 1 New Text Message: ScaryMary.

I clicked the read button and scrolled down to see huge, bold letters.


"Happy Meal?" I asked Gerard, showing him the text message.

"Sure!" he grinned. I laughed. Apparently Mary wanted to make everyone happy and figured food was the way to do it. GOOD JOB, MAR.

Gerard and I headed outside, Nikki, Mikey, Erica, Bob, Ray and Frank following. Before long everyone was outside.

"What's all this about?" Erica asked.

"We are going to be happy and we are going to be fat kids and we are going to like it. Got it?" Mary said. We all nodded and "yes"ed, before getting into three awaiting limos, off to some McDonald's in the middle of Pennsylvania. Interesting.
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yeah, i think mary may have just said, "cheese muffin balls"

and i'm having McDonalds cravings. so, yeah.