All You're Made Of



Sam was pissed at me. Mary had dragged us all out to McDonald's. She didn't talk to me the entire time. We got into the limo, I tried to wrap my arm around her and she moved to the other side, telling Ryan to sit with me, since we were secret lovers. She sat with Frank, making my blood boil high. How could she even talk to that dick?

I didn't understand what I did, still. Frank asked for it. He kissed her. She didn't want him to, I knew that. He took their friendship way too far and all I did was stop it. Ryan understood, why couldn't my girlfriend?

I was fed up with being ignored. I stood up and walked over to Sam.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked her.

She turned around to face me, "If I do something wrong are you gonna drop-kick me?"


"If I screw something up, are you gonna beat me up?" she asked nastily, "How the hell am I suppose to know what you'll do to me if you get mad enough?"

"Sam, you know I'm not like that," I said to her, trying to show her I was telling the truth.

"Oh, really? Well, I sure wonder who did this to Frank's eye then, Brendon, since you're not like that." Her voice was ice as she pointed toward Frank's face, which was nicely bruised. I smiled a bit.

"Sam, don't do this to him," Frank told her, "He was just being a guy. This was my fault."

The fucker was right to be saying that.

"Yeah, Sam, c'mon. I thought he hurt you..."

She glared at me, "I told you not to hurt him, Brendon."

"And I was mad," I shrugged.

"So, everytime you're mad you're gonna beat on one of my friends? Is it gonna be Ray next time? Even Nikki, or Mary?" she just stared at me. She was so pissed.

"I wouldn't do that to any of them, baby," I explained, sighing.

She laughed dryly, "Frank was special?"

I shut my eyes and shook my head, "Sam..."

"Sam, don't even worry about it. I know better now," Frank said, touching her shoulder a bit.

She turned to him, "No, Frank. Everyone makes mistakes and--"

"Beating on Frank was one of my mistakes, Sammy!" I yelled.

Her head wipped around, "Mistakes? No, that was assault. I could have you arrested for this, Brendon. All he did was kiss me in the moment."

"Sam, please!"

"You seriously have no shame in yourself for hurting him, Brendon!" she yelled.

"This is drastic! It's not even that bad," Frank exclaimed.

"But it could've been," she said, "He could have really hurt you, Frankie."

"But he didn't. He stopped before it got too bad," Frank noted.

"He's ri--"

"Frank, seriously..." Sam interrupted.

He rolled his eyes, "You may be mad now, but you love him."

"What the hell gives you the right to tell me how I feel, Frank?!" she yelled. More stinging.

"I-Sam, I may like you, but that doesn't mean you like me the same. The way you two look at each other..." he didn't even need to go on. Sam looked down at her hands.

"Sam, please, forgive me?" I asked, looking at her.

She looked up, "I'll think about it."

I sighed.

"I'm gonna go. I-I'll see you guys later," she said, getting up.

"Wait, how are you getting back?" I questioned.

She turned to face us, "I could use some fresh air."

"It's like a mile!" I yelled.

She just shrugged.

"I love you, Samantha," I called to her.

She nodded, heading out the door. I plopped into the seat she'd occupied before.

"We cool, Bren?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, man," I sighed, smiling a bit.

He nodded, smiling back. I couldn't help but feel like something would go wrong if I didn't follow her, but something would've happened regardless.
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1:) providing title material.
2:) for being the coolest guys on the planet
3:) for being alive and amazing as ever [=