All You're Made Of

I (Don't) Want It That Way


"Say what?!" I screamed into my cell phone. This couldn't be happening.

"Like I have said many times, ma'am, your friend...Samantha? She's here. In the hospital," the woman on the other end of the phone said. I'd went off the bus to answer it and I was seriously about to cry. Sam was in the hospital. The woman had said something about falling or something. Sam was hurt and not conscious. I was the first in her contacts, I guessed, so they'd called me.

"Wh-what hosptial?" I asked, fratically as some tears began to run down my cheeks. The woman gave me all the information and I dialed Bob's number, too frantic to run and find him.

His phone went straight to voicemail. It was freakin' dead, again! I skimmed through the rest of my contacts and found Frank's number a few after Bob's. I knew Frank and Bob were somewhere together, so I figured it would be good to call him. I pressed send and listened.

"Hey, Erica," he answered, happily.

"F-frank? Please, I need to get to the hospital," I yelled.

"What's going on?" he asked me.

I sniffed, "Sam, just...Please...get a car and whatever and...we need to get there, now!"

"I'll be out in a second, Erica," he said, hanging up. I paced for a moment before him and Bob and a car showed up in front of me. Bob immediately pulled me into a hug as I cried into his shoulder.

"C'mon, guys," Frank yelled, jumping into the car. Bob helped me in and we sped off to the hospital to see Sam. I was so worried.


I didn't know what happened. I'd woken up feeling like I'd been hit by a bus in a big white room, with Frank and Erica standing above me.

"Mmmm..." I groaned, trying to get words out.

"Sam!" Frank yelped, smiling a bit at me.

I cleared my throat, "What the fuck happened?"

"Nobody even knows, Sam! I thought you died when the nurse called me! We were so worried! Why did you take off like that?" Erica screamed, throwing her hands up like a worked up Italian woman.

"I don't know. You and Bren were fighting, Frank. That always pisses the shit out of me," I shrugged, and realizing that I shouldn't have cause it hurt like a bitch on the entire right side of my body.

"This is all my fault," Frank said.

I tried to shake my head, "No, Frank."


"Where is Brendon?" I asked, realizing he wasn't around. Bob was sitting on a couch on the other end of the room with Ray, talking, but no Brendon.

"I-I don't know," Erica said, looking behind her.

"Oh," I said, looking down.

"I'm gonna go call him," Erica said, touching my leg a bit and walking out of the room. Bob reluctantly followed. I guess Ray felt awkward cause he went, too.

"So, how do you feel?" Frank asked me.

I shrugged a bit, "What happened?"

"You're arm's busted. They say you got hit..."

I laughed a bit, "By a truck?"

"It was a small car, actually," he chuckled half-heartedly.

"Figures," I rolled my eyes, "This would only happen to me."

"Sam..." he shook his head.

"How did they figure that one out, anyway?" I asked, a tiny bit confused.

"Guy spun off the road right after he hit you. Or as he was, I don't know. He's in here, too," Frank shrugged.

"Why'd you come?" I asked.

"Erica called me," he told me, "Then I was worried."

"Don't worry about me," I told him.

"Sam, I'm always gonna worry about you," he sighed, looking at me.

"Why? I'm just Sa--"

"You're not just Sam, Sam. You're my...friend," he said, sort of sounding pained for an unknown reason.

"That's no excuse to care about me when you've only known me for like, a week," I said.

His lips curled a little, "Three weeks, four days and sixteen hours."

I grinned, "This is what I love about you, Frank."

He blushed a little, "Thanks, Sam."

"So, my right arm is busted?" I asked him.

He nodded, "You broke it in like...six places. And two of your ribs are broken. And your collarbone is fractured. Oh, and not to mention all the bruises and cuts..."


He smirked, "Yeah, dumbass. You shouldn't have been walking on the parkway. Th--"

"Sam, Brendon's on his way," Erica said, coming into the room.

I smiled at her, "Okay."

"He's completely freaking, so..." Bob started.

I rolled my eyes, "I wish you fuckers would all stop worrying about me."

"If it helps, I hardly cared through the whole thing," Bob said, smiling at me. Erica whacked him in the head.

"Thank you, Bob," I smiled. He nodded. At least he knew I wouldn't want it that way.
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i hate this chapter.
thank you.