All You're Made Of

You Look Shitty.


I was hanging around with everybody except a few people from the group when we'd gotten back. We were just laughing and having a good time until Brendon got a phone call from Erica.

"I-I gotta go," he said, getting his shoes on quickly.

"What happened," I asked, confused.

I saw the worry in his eyes, "Sam. She's in the hospital."

"What? Why?" Gerard asked. My jaw was hanging opened, though I wasn't really that shocked. That's Sam for you.

"Something about being hit by a car..." he said, sighing. That's when I started to get worried.

"That's a new one," Nikki said, shaking her head.

"What?" Brendon asked.

"Okay, we've known Sam since grade school. She's a clutz, she falls over air. But car..." Nikki said.

"She could be really hurt, Nikki!" I yelled.

"Do you seriously think she is?" Nikki asked, a new wave of emotion flowing over her.

"I'm gonna find out," Brendon said.

"I'm coming," Mary, Nikki and I said at the same time. We all got up and followed by all the rest of the guys we headed over to the hospital to see if Sam was alright. I was the first one in.

"Why did you bring the world?" Sam asked, covering her face with her left arm.

"It's just...Panic at the Disco and the rest of My Chemical Romance..." Nikki said. Sam laughed, removing her arm. Her entire face was beat up. She just looked like crap.

"You look shitty," I told her.

"Thanks, Kina," she said, sarcastically.

I smiled wide, "No probs, buddy."

She giggled and shook her head. Brendon rushed to her side.

"Sam, are you okay?" he asked, touching her face.

"Peachy," she grinned.

"You look--" he started.

"Shitty. Kina just said it. You're too late, Brenny," she smirked. He leaned down and kissed her lips. She smiled. He smiled back. As cute as it was...

"What the fuck happened to you?!" Nikki screamed. We were all dying to know.

She shrugged.

"What an answer, Sam," Gerard laughed, rolling his eyes.

She shrugged, again, "All I know is I'm broken."

"This is my fault," Brendon said.

She shook her head, "No. No, it's not. It's nobody's fault."

"I blame your bad luck," Nikki nominated, raising her hand.

"I second that," Mary said.

"All in favor?" Sam asked, hands going up around the room.

"This isn't funny," Brendon said.

"Lighten up!" Sam said, exasperatedly. I could already tell this wasn't going anywhere good. I took Gerard by the arm and brought him into the hall.

"What are you doing? That was just getting good!" he said as we got in the hall. I gave him a look and he sighed.

"Gerard, I hate when they fight," I told him, sitting on the floor against the wall. He joined me.

"I know," he said, rubbing my shoulder.

"And the fact that she's hurt makes it worse," I explained. He just nodded.

"It'll be okay. I promise," he assured me.

"B-but, what if Sam ends of breaking up with him cause of this. It's happened before. I know she'll go right to Fra--"

"I don't know what to say, now, Kina. Frank's my best friend and Brendon's somewhat of a friend now, too. I mean, I would love for Frank to be happy with Sam, but--"

"Sam loves Brendon," I finished.

"Exactly," he nodded, " I don't want Frank hurt."

"Yeah, yeah."

"It's their business, Kina," he said, kissing my temple. I shut my eyes for a second.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Don't dwell on this. It'll go how it goes, babe," he told me, sweetly.

"You always know what to say, Gee," I smiled.

He smiled back, "Cause I am Gerard...hear me rawr."

"Oh, I have. I have," I smirked.

He laughed and kissed me on the lips. I kept the contact and got lost in Gerard; the man I loved and would never doubt.