All You're Made Of

Pinch Me, Cause I Know This Is A Dream


So, Nikki and I were the only ones left. We were randomly chatting about how amazing the night was, sitting in the middle of the floor. Just...sitting.

"Um, hey," someone said from behind me. I looked at Nikki, confused, and she just smiled at me. I turned around and saw Brendon Boyd Mother Fucking Urie standing behind me.

"H-hi," I spat. He laughed.

"Um, this may sound weird, but do you guys want to come back stage?" he asked.

I nodded, enthusiastically, and smiled like an idiot up at the man of my dreams. He held out a hand to help me up. When I was up he helped Nikki up, too. He smiled a toothy grin at us as we followed him up a few stairs, and behind some curtains.

All the guys were back there. Mikey, Ray, Frank, Bob, Gerard, Ryan, Spencer and Jon. And of course a bunch of people I didn't recognize. I walked closer to Nikki as I smiled and waved nervously.

"Um, w-why did you invite us here?" I asked. Brendon had motioned us to sit on a couch in the room, which we did.

"Well, you were just sitting there--" He started.

"And Brendon thought that you was pretty," Jon said, in a girly voice, pointing to me. Brendon glared at him and smacked him on the head.

"Hey, we can't forget about my baby brother blabbing about the other one," Gerard said, hugging onto Mikey as he turned red.

Nikki and I looked at each other and laughed.

"So, what are your names?" Spencer asked us.

I smiled at him, "I'm Sam."

"I'm Nikki," she said.

"Cool," Ray said, nodding a bit. We nodded along, awkwardly. I had no idea what to do with myself.

"Where are you from?" Mikey asked us.

"Here. Well, about an hour or so away. Long Island," I answered. Nikki seemed to be a little nervous herself. I was surprised that the mush inside me wasn't coming from my mouth.

"Oh, we've been there. It's nice," he said. Nikki and I nodded in unison.

Brendon changed conversation.

"Well, Sam, would you like to join me for a conversation somewhere more, um, quiet?" Brendon asked, nicely.

"Okay," I answered, shyly. Brendon held out his hand and I took it as we started out the door.

I turned a bit pink as the wolf whistles and howls went on. Brendon just laughed as I followed him out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh yes!