All You're Made Of

Cemetery Drive


As soon as we got back to Long island I knew we weren't leaving any time soon, nor did we want to. We just couldn't, it was like we were cursed or something.

Proving my point, we bought two apartments to all share, being the new friends we were due to those five amazing girls. Not that we'd stay in them too much.

About two weeks after getting back, a week after buying the apartments, all of us were hanging out at Mary's house, watching movies and just hanging out. It was nice.

Kina was curled into my chest, on the verge of sleep while we watched The Dark Night, which she happens to love. I figured everyone else was doing the same all spread out around the room. It was quiet, but not for too much longer.

Kina yawned once, making me yawn, making Mikey yawn, sending off a wave a yawning around the room which made the girls laugh hysterically.

"I'm tired," Kina said, holding back another urge to yawn.

"Do you want me to bring you home?" I asked her, looking at her face.

She nodded, "If you want to. If you don't mind."

I shook my head, "I'm tired, too. It's three in the morning."

"Right, that makes sense," she laughed, starting to get up.

A few moments later, after saying goodbye and everything we were in the car, on the way to her house that she lived in with her twin brother, Kyle, and his boyfriend, Christian, who I found to be the nicest people alive.

Once we'd gotten there I wasn't very tired, but Kina still was. She told me she'd go to bed and to join her when I was ready. I nodded as she walked off into her room that I'd been staying in with her.

I walked off to the living room where I found Christian and Kyle cuddled up on the couch. I smiled and they grinned back at me.

"Hey, Gerard!" Kyle squealed, waving.

"Hey, Kyle," I smiled, waving back. I took a seat on the love seat, across from the guys.

"How was your night?" Christian asked me, seeming interested.

I shrugged, "Nice. We watched movies for a while."

"Sounds fun," he nodded.

"Yeah, it was. Then Kina got tired," I told them. They nodded.

Kyle tilted his head a bit, "Gerard, this is out of pure curiosity but, do you know yet?"

"Know...what?" I asked, raising one of my eyebrows.

Cristian made a little motion, running his fingers over his wrist numerous times.

I was confused, "Do I know what cutting is?"

Kyle sighed, "Do you know what cutting has to do with Kina?"

I shook my head, a bit nervous.

He looked at me with worried eyes, "Well, you're her boyfriend, so I believe you should know."

"Know what?" I asked.

Christian looked at Kyle, biting his lip, "I'll tell him."

Kyle nodded.

"Well, Gee, Kina..."


He sighed, looking down, "She cuts her wrists. Going on six years now. But we've only known for about two."

My eyebrows went up in shock, "Why?"

"Don't worry; she's in therapy and she's doing very we--"

"Cristian, why did she start cutting in the first place? Tell me," I demanded.

"Well, when Brice moved in..." Kyle started.

"Brice? Who is Brice?" I questioned.

Cristian said, "Their stepfather."

I nodded.

"So," Kyle began, again, "When Brice moved in, everything went to the shitter. He didn't like me much and called me every name in the book, but with Kina he was different. It wasn't only verbal abuse for her, it was physical, too."

I felt tears forming in my eyes as he told me.

"When we were about twelve her started beating her every night. I'd watch in horror while this asinine man struck my sister so badly that he'd leave giant bruises on her body. The tears that welled out of her eyes broke me, but what could I do?"

Christian sighed, looking as disgusted by it as I was.

"So, I hadn't known, but he raped her one night when I was out, I don't even recall where. She didn't tell me until we were seventeen. After he raped her she started cutting. She told me that the reasoning was that she felt like nothing could be worse than what that bastard did. When she'd finally told me I immediately got her help. She's gotten better, but it's like...I guess she's addicted or something."

I was bawling. I was crying like a child. It was horrible. Poor Kina.

"Don't cry, Gerard. She's getting better," Cristian reassured me.

I nodded, "I-I underst-stand that. I j-just feel so hor-orrible that you guys w-went through th-that," I cried.

"Well, I thought you deserved to know, Gee," Kyle told me.

"Thank you," I said, smiling through my tears. He nodded as I walked to Kina's room. I lay in the bed with her, wrapping my arm around her waist and kissing the back of her neck.

I whispered, "You're okay. I love you."

I felt like she needed me more than ever now, though I know it sounds, maybe conceited. She needed me to help her with this, no matter what it took.
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