All You're Made Of



I couldn't wait to get home. The trick about home was...I'd have to figure out how to tell my mom that I was pregnant and engaged to a man who was ten or so years older than me. She was going to kill me. So, I decided to wait. I wanted to get mine and Mikey's living arangements set up first.

Mikey had an apartment with the guys, but he was staying with me, which you probably guessed. I lived with my mom, but she was currently on a trip, traveling the world. She'd decided she wanted to see what was out in the world.

It was a tuesday and Mikey and I had been at Erica's house with Bob, Frank and Ray. Gerard was "dealing with something" and everyone else I guess was doing something, too. Erica's parents were home, whom she still lived with along with her sister and two brothers, but they didn't bother us much because Erica had the whole upstairs to herself.

Erica was talking about how happy she was that her parents were so accepting of her and Bob's relationship. I was happy for her, yes, but I was also worrying myself about how my mom would react. At least I had a while until I had to explain to her that she would be a grandma in less than eight months and have a son in law.

"I'm bored!" Frank exclaimed in the middle of Erica's babbling. We all stopped what we were doing to look at him.

"Can we please do something?" he asked.

I shrugged, "What is there to do?"

Ray looked as if he had an idea, "We could--"

Then my phone started to ring. I looked down at my phone. The ID said, "Mom."

"Shit!" I screamed, jumping from my seat on the couch and running into the hall to talk to her.

"H-Hi, Mom," I spat. She hadn't brought her phone on her trip. There was only one explaination for this; she was home.

"Hey, Sweetie! Guess what!" she screamed, happily.

"You're home?" I guessed, really already knowing.

"I am! Where are you?" she asked.

I bit my lip, "At Erica's."

"Oh! Bring her over. Bring all the girls over! I missed you," she told me.

"Mom, i'm kind of busy. I-I'm with my boyfriend and Erica's boyfriend and our friends--"

"Boyfriends?!" she screamed.


She laughed, "Bring him over. I need to meet him. What's his name?"

I laughed nervously, "You'll never believe this, Ma..."

"Who is it? Mikey Way?" she asked, sarcastically.

" know that concert we went to?" I asked.


"Mom, I'm dating Mikey Way."

I heard a scream and then nothing.

"Mom? Mom, are you there? Mom?" I asked. No answer. I hung up and ran back into the room.

"What's up?" Mikey asked me.

"Mikey, we've gotta go. Bye, guys!" I yelled, grabbing his hand and ran down the stairs and out the door, waving to Erica's parents on our way out.

"What's going on?" he asked, stopping me when we got outside.

"My mom is home," I told him. His eyes got wide and we got in my car, that he drove, and went to my house.


When we got to Nikki's her Mom was in the kitchen, chugging water like she'd run a marathon.

"Mom?" Nikki called.

She turned around and looked at us. Nikki went over and gave her a hug before coming back over to me and grabbing my hand.

"Mikey, meet my mom. Mom, meet Mikey," she said nervously.

"I can't believe this. I just can't believe this," her mom said, shaking her head.

"Well, believe it, cause that's not all the news we have," Nikki gulped.

Her eyes got wide and she leaned back on the counter.

Nikki looked up at me and sighed, "Well, Mom, Mikey and I have been dating for a while..."


"Well, we love each other--"

"Nikki, no!" she screamed. I bet she already knew.

"Yes, Mom, we're...engaged," she sighed.

Nikki's mom's eyes closed and she let out a deep breath. I was shaking. What was she going to say?

"Nikki, I should really be furious wi--"

"I need to finish," Nikki said.

"Finish?" she questioned.

Nikki looked down for a minute but looked back up at her mother with tears on her face, "I'm pregnant."

"That's why you're engaged?!" she yelled.

"No, No! Mrs. Parks, that's not it! We were engaged way before we knew about the bab--"

"You just met! How long have you been engaged? How are you in love when you've barely known each other two months?!" she screamed.

Nikki had tears streaming down her face. I rubbed the small of her back but it wasn't helping.

"Mrs. Parks, Nikki's an adult. She can make her own decisions," I explained.

"You're ten fucking years older than her. How do I know she made these decisions on her own?" she asked, glaring at me.

I sighed, "I would never do anything Nikki wouldn't want, ma'am."

"Nikki, I am disappointed. Don't expect me at the wedding or to be a part of this mistake's life," she hissed, stamping out of the house.

"Mom!" Nikki screamed, but it was too late. She fell into my arms, crying hysterically.

"Shh, Nikki..." I comforted. It wasn't helping. We just stood there as she cried in the middle of her livingroom.

Welcome Home Mrs. Parks.