All You're Made Of

What A Rush


I lay back on Mary's bed, awaiting her to get out of the shower so she could get ready and we could go to dinner. The entire group was going out to some fancy place for our three month anniversaries. Yep, another month flew by. I was very excited and glad that all our anniversaries were only three days apart between the five couples.

As my mind wandered I heard the door creek open. Mary walked in, towel wrapped around her body. I grinned.

"Hey," I said to her.

She looked up and smiled at me, "Hi, darlin'. Got any idea where I put that stupid dress?"

I laughed, "It's right there, Mary."

"Thanks," she giggled, walking toward it. I got up and followed her. She looked at the dress which I knew for a fact looked beautiful on her.

It was strapless and teal; her favorite color. It was straight at until the waist, where it flailed a little and went to right below her knees.

She dropped her towel and slid the dress on as I zipped the back of it for her and her wet hair drapped her sholders.

"Ugh, it's hiddeous," she groaned, putting her hands on her hips.

"Are you crazy?!" I shouted, "You look beautiful, Mary."

"Beautiful? Right, Ryan. You're too nice for me," she sighed.

I laughed, "Would you rather me lie and say you look disgusting and I'm dreading this and being seen in public with you?"

She turned to me and grinned, "Thank you."

"No problem," I laughed, kissing her. She wrapped her arms around my neck as she kissed me back and we got into it. My hands trailed to her waist.

"Mary!" her mom screamed from outside the door. She broke away from me and huffed, going for the door.

"Yes, mother?" she asked.

Her mom smiled at her, "Mary, you look great!"

"So he said," she said, pointing to me, who was behind her.

"Ryan was right, Mary. I just wanted to let you know I'm going out with your brother. I want you to have fun, but not too much fun," she told her, also pointing her finger at me.

I nodded, "I'll take good care of her, Mrs. Cohen."

"Good, Ryan. I'll see you two later," she smiled, hugging Mary and then walking downstairs. Mary slammed the door and turned to me with an evil grin.

"Oh, no. I know that face," I laughed, backing away.

"What face?" she asked, innocently.

"Rape!" I joked, backing into the corner.

"Keep it down! Mom and Danny aren't completely out of hearing range," she told me, putting a finger to my lips.

A moment later her finger was replaced by her own lips. She kissed me deeply. I laughed into it, kissing her back. She pushed me farther backwards, where I hit the wall. Her lips pressed harder to mine and I held her by the head.

After a minute she pulled away, sighing, her eyes shut and lips centemeters away.

"I love you, Ryan," she said, quietly, finally opening her eyes.

I grinned, "I love you more."

That's when our lips touched again and once more I was in the heaven that she created for me.
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