All You're Made Of

Just A Phase


As soon as we got back to Mary's that night my first thought was to call Brendon and ask what the fuck was going through his mind when he dumped Sam.

"It wasn't working out, Ry," he told me.

I laughed, dryly, "You guys were completely fine, Brendon!"

"No, we weren't!" he screamed.

"What was wrong, then?!" I asked.

He sighed, "Frank."

"What are you talking about? She loves you, Bren," I told him.

"No, no. She brought him up. I could hear it in her voice. Isn't it obvious?" he asked.

"No! They're friends!" I yelled.

"Then where are they now?" he asked.

"I don't know. Maybe you would know if you didn't break the poor girl's heart," I hissed.

I heard him sniff, "I didn't."

"Whatever, Brendon. Where are you?" I asked.

"At the apartment," he told me, "With Spencer. At least he's not being an asshole about this."

"Asshole? Brendon, do you even know what you did to Sam or are you that dumb?!" I yelled. I was so angry with him.

"Lots of people break up, Ry. It's a way of life," he sighed.

"Not when they're in love like that. I would never do that to Mary," I told him, quietly, "Besides, you'll realize soon. You made a huge mistake, Brendon. And maybe you won't be able to fix this one."

"Mhm, okay. I'm gonna go. Bye, Ry," he said, hanging up. I smashed my phone shut and threw it. What the fuck was wrong with him?


Brendon was at the apartment for the first time in months. He'd broken up with Sam a while earlier and everyone kept calling him to yell at him. I felt bad for him, actually.

"Spence, I'm going to bed. If anyone calls for me, tell them to fuck off," he told me, walking into his room.

"Alright, Bren," I nodded, "Night."

With that I sat on the couch and flicked on the TV. A few minutes later the phone rang.


"Spencer, can I talk to Brendon?" Kina asked.

"No, Kina. Sorry. He's sleeping. He told me to tell everyone that called for him to fuck off," I explained, trying to be as nice as possible.

"What if it had been Sam?" she questioned, seemingly interested.

"I guess she'd have to fuck off, too," I laughed.

"That's not funny, Spence. He really really hurt her," she sighed.

"I know, but breaking up does happen frequently. I mean, I'm sure it's not the first time Sam's been...dumped," I relished.

She sighed, again, "Spencer, Brendon is only Sam's second serious boyfriend. Ever. And the first one was a mutual thing. She's never experienced heart break like this before. And this wasn't the right way to end things."

My eyes got wide, "Sam?"

I know this is mean but she seemed like a whore.

"Yes, Sam. This is why I'm worried, Spence," she explained. She sounded devastated and I truly felt sorry.

"Do you know where she is now?" I asked.

"Frank brought her home," she told me, sighing.

"Frank?" I asked with gritted teeth.

"Yes, Frank. Why can nobody accept that they're just friends?" she groaned.

"I heard you liked the Jonas Brothers and I've heard that song. You know what can happen when people are just friends," I joked.

"Yeah, I'm sure it was after they got dumped and they were second best," Kina laughed.

"Stop trying to justify it. Frank likes Sam and I bet she likes him, too," I explained.

"But who does Sam like more?"

I sighed, "Brendon, but--"

"I'm not the one trying to justify this. You're trying to tell me that what Brendon did to Sam was right," she told me.

"No, no. That's not what I'm saying, Kina," I defended, "I'm just saying that--look, it wasn't my decision for Brendon to break up with Sam. I didn't tell him to, he just did. And it was his choice. And it's his choice to get back with her or not."

"Spencer, I know that, but your also saying that my friend is a whore and that she's gonna go running to Frank right after her boyfriend, whom she loved a lot, broke up with her. That's what I hate about you," she said, angrily.

I smirked, "What do you like about me?"

"That's beside the point, Smith!" she yelled, "This conversation is not about how pretty I think your eyes are!"

I laughed, "You think my eyes are pretty?"

I could almost bet money she turned red, "It's not very often you see blue eyes like those..."

"Well, thanks," I chuckled.

"Er, no problem."

"Maybe we could go out sometime and you know, you could look at my eyes," I smiled.

"Spencer James Smith, I have a boyfriend! And I love him at that! This is what I called about in the first place! Tell Brendon he's an asshole and that he should know how hurt Sam is!" she screamed, "Bye!"

And she hung up.

Jeez, I thought, What did I do?

Then Brendon came out of the room and walked into the kitchen. I looked at him.

"You're an asshole and you should know how much you hurt Sam," I said, going to walk into my own room, but turned and said, "Love, Kina."

He just looked at me strangely and I walked into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
listening to Something Else by Good Charlotte while writing this.
yes, i am cool.
i upped my street cred (;