All You're Made Of

Carry On


"Can you believe I'm three whole months pregnant with your baby?" Nikki smiled, placing her hands on her stomach.

"Not at all," I grinned. It seemed like I couldn't stop grinning lately. I was just so happy.

She turned to me, "And we're getting married."

"Yeah," I trailed off.

"Mikey, I have a question," she told me, walking over to where I was standing, across the room.

"And that is, my dear?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her.

She looked into my eyes, "Do you want to be married when this baby is born?"

"It's up to you, Nikki. I don't care when we get married. You're gonna marry me and thats all that matters," I laughed.

She smiled up at me, "I know, but still. Do you think we should be husband and wife before we're parents?"

"Do you?" I questioned.

She bit her lip, "I really don't know."

"Well, do you want to wait? We can wait. It's not wrong to have a child and not be married," I shrugged.

She sighed, "I'll figure it out."

"Babe, it's all up to you," I told her, kissing her nose.

Her face scrunched up and she giggled.

"Hey, you know what I just realized?" I said to her.


I smiled, "The baby is due in March."

"So?" she laughed.

"Fun fact of the day," I grinned, again.

"I got a fun fact too, Mr. Way," she giggled.

I looked at her.

"Your birthday is in fifteen days," she laughed, "What ever shall I get you?"

I smiled and kissed her.

"Well, you were my early birthday present. And your all I want, so nothing," I laughed. She did, too as I kissed her lips.


I had to pee, so generally, I went to the bathroom. The door was locked and the water was running, so I figured Kina had been taking a shower.

I unlocked the door with the 'hidden' key and walked in. The sight almost made me drop to the floor.

Kina stood there, staring at her hand. Her hand had a razor blade in it. I gulped and rushed over to her. She looked at me with shock.

"What are you doing?" I asked, grabbing the razor from her fingers.

She looked at me, horrified.


"I-I-I wasn't gonna use it!" she yelled, "Just staring at it calms me down sometimes."

"Cutting isn't the answer. I'm sure you know that by now," I told her.

She nodded, tears running down her face, "I have my reasons."

"Tell me," I said, though I already knew.

I allowed her to tell me the whole story once more. It felt even worse coming from her.

When she'd finished she'd sighed and said, "Go on. Run. They all do."

I wrapped my arms around her, "I'm not going anywhere."


"Kina Lucas, I love you. I am not leaving you for something this silly. You had a rough patch in your life. It's nothing you can't work at. And I'm here to help you," I explained.

She smiled and kissed me hard on the lips, "Thank you, Gerard."

I just smiled.

She smiled back.

"So, do you wanna tell me why you were staring at the razor?" I asked.

She nodded, "It's Sam. I-I feel so bad. Brendon's being a complete jerk about it. I called the apartment to talk to him and Spencer was just the same. Neither of them care about her. She deserves better, but I know she loves Brendon. I know he's better than the way he's acting. Gerard, I just know."

I rubbed her arm, "I know how you feel. But I know Frank will take care of her for a little while, while Brendon figures things out."

"I really hope so," she sighed.

"How about we take Sam out or something tomorrow? We could get her mind off Brendon...And Frank," I suggested.

"Good idea," she smiled, "I'll go call."

"Okay," I said with a kiss.

As she walked off I'd felt like she'd made another huge step in this recovery. She'd be over it soon enough.