All You're Made Of

I'll Be Fine, I Swear.


I woke up as my phone went off on the other side of the room. As I opened my eyes I noticed Frank was still there. I'm glad he cared enough to not let me do something stupid. He was good for me at this point in my life.

I got up and walked to the other end of the room to get my cell phone.

"Hello?" I answered, sleepily.

"Hey, Sam. It's Kina," Kina said, sounding sad and happy at the same exact time.

"Hey, whats up?" I asked.

"Tomorrow you, me and Gerard are gonna hang out, okay?" she asked.

I nodded, "Alright."

"Good, I'm glad your agreeing," she laughed.

I laughed, too. Then I looked at the sleeping man in the bed and smiled.

"Kina, can I bring Frank?" I asked.

"W-well, I guess, but it was just gonna be us," she told me, sounding off about it.

"Something wrong with Frank?" I questioned.

"No, not at all!" she said, "But--Sam, don't do anything stupid."

I laughed a bit, "Frank won't let me."

"What did you do?" she asked, nervously.

I sighed, "It's what I tried to do. And that was Frank. I was depressed and I don't know what came over me. But he knows not to let me do things. He knew I wasn't really...myself."

"He's a good friend," she said.

"I know he is," I said, looking at him.

"Sam, what are you thinking?" she asked me, causiously.

"Brendon broke up with me, Kina. I'm thinking about him, obviously," I lied.

"Oh, okay. So, I'll see you tomorrow?" she made sure.

"Yes. You will. Me and Frank," I smirked.

"Okay. Bye."

She hung up, as did I. Then I went back and immersed myself in Frank. I slid back under his arm and cuddled into him, feeling whole, again.


I was completely screwed. I acted stupidly and lost myself the greatest thing I'd ever had. Why? I didn't even know.

"Bren, you asleep?" Jon asked from the doorway. He'd aparently just gotten home.

"Yeah, I am," I sighed, turning over.

"I heard what happened," he said, "You're a jackass."

I laughed dryly, "I know, Jon. I know."

"Why did you do it then?" he asked me, loudly.

I shook my head, trying to fight back tears, "I'm a jackass. I broke her heart. And not to mention my own."

"There had to be a reason..."

"Yes. I'm a jealous prick that can't accept my girlfriend has friends that find her attractive," I sighed.

"That makes sense," he nodded, "But you know you just handed her right to Frank, right?"

"They're t-together?" I spat, in shock.

"Not...together..." he said, nervously.

"What then?" I questioned.

"He's at her house, I heard," Jon said.

"Who told you?" I asked.

"Erica. We've been talking. She went by and found them sleeping. In Sam's bed. And his arms were around her. Then Erica just left," he told me.

"Now, I lost my girlfriend and my friends because they all think I'm a monster," I sniffed.

"Not a monster," he chuckled, "A bastard, maybe."

"Not helping, Jon," I hissed.

"Sorry," he apologised, "I'm just saying."

"What do I do?" I asked.

"Look, man, I've got the same problem. It's not gonna be easy tearing Berica up," he laughed.


"Nothing. We'll figure everything out in the morning. I'm pretty worn. Call Sam if you wanna, I guess. I would. Night." he said.

I waved and picked up my cell phone, contemplating on whether I'd call her or not. I decided I would.

"Hey, lovlies. It's Sam. Leave a message after my lovely boyfriend sings," I heard the little giggle and then my part of 20 Dollar Nose Bleed play.

I knew the tears weren't staying in my eyes much longer as I said, "I'm sorry. I love you."
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dedicated to: Kina, for being my 69th (;