All You're Made Of

Orange Is My Favorite!


I woke up before Sam in the morning. I weaseled myself out of her bed and read the note she'd left me. Something about going out with Gerard and Kina. I nodded and went over to her phone.

She'd gotten a voice mail, so I listened, figuring it would be Kina.

"I'm sorry. I love you," Brendon said. I felt fire in the pit of my stomach. Sam would not be able to hear that without having a mental breakdown. How dare he? I pressed the seven, which deleted the message and shut the phone. Sam was not getting more hurt by that prick.

I heard some sounds coming from the other end of the room and turned to see Sam waking up. I set her phone back down and pretended like nothing had happened. She never had to know about this.

"Morning, sunshine," I smiled, kissing her forehead as her eyes fluttered open.

"Morning, Frankie," she giggled, groggily, "Did you get my note?"

"We're hanging out with Gee and Kina today?" I questioned.

She nodded, yawning.

"You up for it?" I asked.

She sighed and nodded, again, "Yeah. I'm fine."

I kissed her cheek, "Be happy, Sammy."

She giggled, blushing, "Okay."


"Hey!" Kina screeched, running up to us and tackling Sam in a giant hug. That girl and her hugs...

"Hello," Sam smiled. She waved to Gerard a bit.

He waved back and it was all pretty awkward, but Kina hugged me, too.

"So..." I started, "What are we gonna do today."

"We are gonna let the girls catch up while I talk to you in private," Gerard said, taking me by the arm and walking me into the hall. I watched Sam's eyes on me as I was pulled away.

"What is it, Gee?" I asked, wanting to go back to the girls. Especially Sam.

"Did you?!" he screamed.

I was confused, "Did I what, Gerard?"

"Did you fucking sleep with Sam, Frank?" he asked, angrily.

"What? No! She wanted to. I mean, I wanted to, too, but I just couldn't. She wasn't herself. She was broken. She was fragile. I wasn't going to do something she would regret," I explained.

Gerard then hugged me, "I'm proud of you."

"You know this doesn't mean I'm never gonna sleep with her, right?"

"What?! No, Frank!" he screamed.

"I have every right to be her boyfriend. And if she wanted it too...Well, who's to say it's wrong?" I asked, making my point.

Gerard glared at me, "Frank, she's Brendon's."

"First of all, she's not property. Second of all, he dumped her!" I yelled in his face.

He sighed, "I know that, but, he's gotta realize he made a mistake..."


"Well what?" he questioned, skeptically.

"He did leave her a message, but it would have hurt her more..." I told him, looking at the ground.

"You deleted a message that Brendon left her without even telling her?" he asked, nastily.

"Yes, Gerard, I did! Unlike Brendon, I actually care about Sam and how she feels!" I yelled.

"That-that's completely wrong, Frank. I have no words for it."

"I don't want her hurt," I shrugged.

"Go tell the poor girl that Brendon called," Gerard demanded.

"No, Gerard. I will when she's ready. I will when she's okay."

"You mean when she's yours?" he laughed, dryly.

"...M-maybe. I don't know," I looked at my feet.

"Tell Sam what you know," Gerard yelled on the top of his lungs.

"What do you know, Frank?" Sam asked, from behind us. Oh, no. How much did she hear?

"Just in time, Sam. Frank has some information to share with you," Gerard smiled, crossing his arms and cocking and eyebrow at me.

"You are an asshole, Gee," I mumbled, glaring at him. He continued to smile.

"What is it? Is it that bad?" she laughed.

"You'll be angry, but I swear it was for your own good," I told her.

"Just tell me, Frank! What if I promise not to get mad?" she compromised.


"Okay. I won't get mad. What is it?" she questioned.

I let out a deep breath, "Sam, I-I deleted one of your voicemails this morning..."

"Oh? Who was it?"


I watched her freeze. Her face went pale and she looked like stone.

"And what did he say?" Kina asked for her. Sam's eyes were welling up with tears.

"His exact words?" I asked.

They both nodded, but Sam's nod was almost motionless.

"He said, 'I'm sorry. I love you.' " I told her.

The tears came out like waterfalls. I went in for a hug, but she darted for the door, then for the car. She got in and sped away, without another word.

Gerard patted me on the back and I looked up at him. He was smiling slightly.

"Good job."
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title dedicated to: Kina, for saying that right before this was posted.