All You're Made Of

Heels Over Head


We'd been over at the apartment; all of Panic at the Disco and myself, Mary Cohen. We just sat around. Most were mopey, so I was bored. It'd been almost four days since I'd seen any of my other friends, but I agreed to help Ryan get Brendon out of his slump.

There was a knock at the door so I'd told them I'd get it. I opened the door and to my surprise Bob stood there, Erica behind him, who was in tears.

"What's going on?" I asked them.

Bob sighed.

"Sam missing!" Erica yelped, more tears pouring from her eyes.

My eyebrows went up and I made 'the-Mary-Face' as they called it.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked, coming up behind me.

"Sam's missing," Bob said, sighing again. Erica wipped her eyes and Bob rubbed her arm.

"Come in, guys," I said. They walked passed me and into the livingroom where everyone else was.

"What's wrong?" Brendon asked, just like we all had.

Erica looked at him, then Bob, then him, again, "Brendon, Sam is missing."

"What? Why?" he yelled, jumping from his seat on the chair.

"I don't really know. All I know is Frank did something," Erica said.

"I'm gonna kill him," Brendon sniffed as a bunch of tears started streaming.

"Listen, Bren, I know that you wanna kill Frank, but he's my friend. He's really a good guy. And you broke up with Sam, remember?" Bob said, sternly.

Brendon took deep breaths.

"I know where she is," I said, nodding my head like I'd just realized something, which I had.


"I'll be right back, guys," I told them, walking into the hallway to make a phone call.


"Yeah, can I talk to Pam Daniels?" I questioned.

"One moment," she responded.

"Hello?" Pam answered.

"Pam? It's Mary..." I told her.

She sounded shocked, "Mary Cohen?"

"For technicality purposes..." I laughed.

"How are you?" she yelled, happily.



I sighed, "Sam is with you, isn't she?"

Pam laughed, "My daughter has every right to see me."

"I know that, Pam, but everyone is so worried. Especially Brendon and--"

"Who's Brendon?" she asked.

"Sam's exboyfriend," I told her.

"What happened?" she asked, sounding like she wanted to tell the whole office about her daughters personal life. Let me tell you, Pam was a very proffesional person but when it came to Sam that all ended.

"Long story. I don't even think they know..."

"Is that why she's here?" she asked, "She told me she missed me."

"Well, I'm sure that's part of the reason," I explained.

"Oh," she sounded sad.

"Pam, do you know when Sam is coming home?" I asked.

She sighed, "I want her to live with me, Mary."

"What?!" I yelled.

"Do you know I get to see my daughter four times a year, at most? I miss her."

"Pam, I know that, but live with you? What about us? Her friends? Brendon?" I asked.

"I talked to her. She wants to be here," she answered.

"I-if it's what Sam wants, I guess I should tell everyone..." I said, feeling like someone had just died.

"Yes. And please call us a lot? You may not be blood, but I miss you, too," she said, sweetly.

I nodded, "Roger, Pam."

"Bye, honey!"


I went back into the apartment. I was confused and upset. Sam moving all the way across the country? Why?

"Where is she, Mary?" Brendon asked me.

"Sam--she moved to California."
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter dedicated to: well, it's obvious.
boys like girls.