All You're Made Of

Finale A


"California?!" I screamed, "With Pam?!"

"Yeah," Erica answered. She'd just told me and Mikey about the news. Apparently Sam had moved in with her mom.

"What about us? What about Brendon? What about Will?" I asked. I was asking anything I could think of. I needed answers and I needed them now.

"I don't know, Nikki," she shrugged.

I started hyperventilating.

Mikey pulled me into his side, "Calm down, Nikki. This can't be good for the baby."

"The baby? What about me? I can't breathe!" I exclaimed.

He rubbed my back, "Shh...calm down."

"I can't calm down!" I screamed.

"Nikki, please..." Erica sighed.

I shut my eyes and took deep breaths until I caught my breath, again. When I did I opened them and looked at my fiance.

"You alright?" he asked.

I shook my head, my lip quivering.

He pulled me close and kissed my head mumbling, "It'll all be okay."

Erica left, but I was still freaking out.

That's when I made Mikey bring me over to Kina's house. Kina would know what to do.

"Drive faster!" I screamed at him.

"I'm already going over the limit, Nikki. Do you want me to get us killed?" he yelled back.

"No, I don't want to die, but Jesus, how slow is the speed limit?!"

"Lower than the speed I'm going!" he exclaimed.

"Well, you could drive a little faster!" I whined, smashing my fists on the dashboard.

He turned to me, "Nikki, this is all I can go. You're just gonna have to be patient. We'll be there soo--"

Then I felt something collide with the front of our car. Everything went black and the last thing I heard was "Nikki!" before I fell unconscious.


After I left Nikki's house I decided to go find Brendon. Maybe he could find Sam and talk her out of this crazy plan.

I knocked on the door of the apartment and Jon answered, smiling like a jackass.

"I need to talk to Brendon," I told him, "It's urgent."

His smile fell, "Sam would never forgive you if you--"

"It's nothing like that, stupid!" I yelled, hitting him in the head and walking passed him, into the living room. I knew Jon liked me, but there is no reason we couldn't be friends. Oh, no...that's what Sam said.

Brendon wasn't in the living room, but I noticed the bathroom door was closed. I pushed it opened and startled the peeing Brendon.

"Listen, I'm not here to see your cock, so zip up, wash your hands and listen up," I demanded.

He did just that and a moment later he was at full attention, "What is it?"

"I know a way for you to get Sam back, but it's risky," I told him, sighing.

"I'll do anything!"

"You need to...go to California, get passed her mom and talk her into coming back to New York," I told him in one breath.

He laughed, "You're joking, right?"

I shook my head.

"How am I gonna do that?!" he screamed, throwing his hands in the air, like I did, a lot.

"It's easy. The hardest part is getting you to San Fransisco," I told him, calming him a little.

"She won't see me..." he looked at his feet.

"She loves you, Brendon," I assured him, patting his shoulder.

He nodded.

"So, you'll do it?" I asked, excitedly.

He nodded, again.

"The flight is in three hours," I explained.

His eyes got huge, "What?!"

"I bought your ticket. No need to thank me," I laughed, "Bob's outside. We'll take you to the airport."

"How do I get there? What do I do?" he was frantic.

"Calm yourself, Urie," I sighed, "I'll explain everything once you get there."

He nodded, again, probably feeling sick to his stomach.

With that I helped him throw some things in a bag and we were off to the airport. I knew he would get Sam back here, no matter what.


I thought everything was good. I thought we were okay. All we needed to figure out was how to get Sam back and we'd be set. Things always fail though, right?

I woke up early. I made myself some coffee and made Kina some, too. Everyone in the house was peacefully sleeping as I sipped away. So I thought.

When I finished my coffee I went back into our room to wake Kina up and give her hers. She'd never get that cup of coffee. I dropped it and it spilled to the ground.

The blood was pouring. Not from her wrists, but from her thigh. I stared at her in horror. She looked back at me, tears flooding her face.

"Gerard, it's not what you think!" she screamed.

"What the hell did you do?!" I yelled, rushing over to her and screening the wound.

"The razor. It fell. It sliced my leg. I didn't know what to do. I remembered it. I remembered it all! I kept doing it. I just kept doing it, Gerard!" she screamed. Her whole body was shaking and she was clenching her fists.

I grabbed a towel and held it to her thigh.

"All your progress--"

"Fuck the progress! Do you see what I do to myself? Something is wrong with me, Gee! And I'm not getting better!" she was hysterical.

"No, Kina, you are. You are," I whispered, petting her hair. She unclenched one of her fists and the razor fell to the floor as she began to sob harder.

"You see?" she sniffed, watching the blood pour from her palm, the shape of the blade engraved into her skin.

"I need you to tell me you won't do this anymore," I said, taking her face in my free hand.

"I can't make promises I can't keep," she said, shaking her head.

"Kina, this is hurting you. You need to tell me. Tell me you'll stop. Tell me."

"I won't stop! I won't! I'll never be okay! I'll never stop hurting myself! I can't!" she screamed, running from the room.

I got up and followed her but she was long gone.


Erica had called me and said Brendon was going to get Sam. I was overly happy about it. I wanted them back together.

Ryan and I sat on my bed, watching a movie. He was on the verge of sleep, but I was wide awake. My doorbell rang, so I let my sleepy man be as I went to get it.

"Seth!" I yelped, shocked out of my brain sockets.

"Mary, I need you back," he said, falling to his knees in front of me.

"Why, because I'm happy with someone else?" I asked, kicking him.

He groaned, getting up to face me.

"I love Ryan. R-Y-A-N. Not you, bastard," I told him. We were toe-to-toe.

"And I love you," he said, kissing my lips. I pushed his away and whipped my lips.

"Asshole!" I screamed.

Before I knew it Ryan had pushed him down and was punching him like crazy. My big, strong, Ryro, I thought.

Seth was bleeding, I knew that. I was grinning from ear to ear as my boyfriend beat up my incompetent ex.

Seth tried pushing him away, but it didn't work.

"Stop!" Ted screamed numerous times. Ryan didn't stop until long after he'd said it.

Seth backed away, quickly, holding his bloody nose.

Ryan was out of breath and grinning, "Don't you dare touch her, again."

"This isn't the end. I'll be back for you. For you both! Ross, you're a dead man," he yelled, pointing at him.

"I may be scrawny, but I'm sure I could kick your ass, again, fucker," Ryan yelled back.

Seth walked down the street as Ryan came back to me and wrapped his arms around me. I had a feeling that wasn't the end. Not by a long shot.


After dropping Brendon off at the airport Erica and I went home. It was a long long day and we were tired.

I didn't think anything would ever get better. It was sucky. The only thing I had was Erica. And I guess it was all I needed. As soon as I met her I knew she was the one and I'd never forget the night she'd chosen me over Jon. She was the most amazing person I'd ever met in my life. I was so grateful to have found someone like her.

As much as everything sucked, I knew it was only going to start something better. I knew a new chapter was starting and we'd have to wait to see what was in it. Maybe it would bring up the best years of all of our lives. I really didn't know.

But that concert brought about five girls that changed us nine guys for the better or for the worse. And the fact of the matter was, none of us cared which it was, as long as they were around.

I guess in the end it all comes down to what you do and where you get at the end of the road. And to get there you've gotta give it All You're Made Of.
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but you know what will be born?
sequel sequel sequel!
be very afraid.