All You're Made Of

My Favorite Little Game to Play


As the I'm-Currently-Kissing-A-God game went on my phone went off. I groaned and pulled away from Mikey. As he caught his breath I answered it.

"Where the hell are you?" Kina screamed.

"Ah, ears bleeding now, thanks! You're really loud! And I'm backstage!" I yelled back.

"B-b-backstage?" she asked, in shock.

I giggled, "Yup!"

"Get us the fuck back there now!" I heard Erica yell from the background. It sounded as though I was on speakerphone. Maybe? I don't know, but I looked at Mikey and he nodded.

"Just go through the little curtain behind the stage," I told them. They squealed and hung up. I laughed and looked back at Mikey.

"Those your friends?" he asked, chuckling a bit at how teenie they sounded.

I nodded and laughed along, "Unfortunately."

"Ah, nahh, I'm sure they're cool. I'm positive they'll find Gee and them, so we won't have to worry about being interrupted, again."

I smiled at the statement and placed my lips of his once more. The was he tasted was indescribable, but amazing, at that. His scent was just as yummy as the way he tasted. I inwardly smiled to myself as we made out on the 'Big Compfy Couch'. Fuck, I wanted to jump on it so bad. But, I'd rather kiss Mikey though, obviously.


Erica, Mary, and I walked backstage. We hadn't a clue where to find Nikki or Sam, so we went into a room where we heard a lot of talking.

I stopped dead in my tracks. In front of me was the gorgeous Gerard Way. I looked at him, buggeyed. He looked back and smiled.

"Hello, ladies. My name is Gerard," he said cutely, holding out his hand.

"I'm Kina," I smiled, shaking his hand. I just couldn't resist and the gentle hand shake turned into a desperate hug. I was in love with Gerard Arthur Way.

"Well, hello, Kina," he laughed, hugging back. He leaned down toward my ear and whispered, "You're lucky you're pretty."

I could swear to you I almost fainted hearing those words. Those were the best words I ever heard.
♠ ♠ ♠
i had no idea what to call it.