All You're Made Of

Don't Blow Your Composure


Three weird girls walked backstage where we sat. The first two were not my type, as pretty as they may have been. But the third; a little goofy looking, a few inches shorter than me, blonde hair to her shoulders, blue-green eyes, and beautiful. She looked a little confused as she wandered the room with nothing but her eyes. Then those stunners landed on me and I almost collapsed when she smiled at me, with perfect teeth of white.

She began walking toward me. My palms began to get sweaty and my heart began to pound. This never happened really before. I was always so calm, cool, collected. I didn't even know her and I was already crazed.

"Hi, Ryro, I'm Mary," she said, holding out a hand for me to shake. She even called me Ryro.

"H-hi," I spat, shaking her hand, as sweaty as mine were. She didn't seem to care.

"How are you on this fine evening?" she asked, making conversation. She kept smiling. I was weak in the knees.

"I-I'm good. H-h-how about y-you, Ma-ary?" I stuttered. She giggled.

"I'm good. Pretty in love with your face, which is making it greater," she smiled.

I grinned back at her, "Wow, you're pretty."

"You're pretty yourself there, Ross."

I laughed. Mary and I had a pretty cool conversation. She was a pretty awesome girl, and I was hoping to be friends with her. Maybe more?


Fucking Bob Bryar, Fucking Bob Bryar Fucking Bob Bryar! HOLY BOB BRYAR ON A PIZZA! wtf? oh, well.

That gorgeous man named before was lain before my eyes. Well, actually he was standing, talking to Jon Walker, but still. I was dying.

What do I do? What do I say? What the hell do I even think?

Then he looked at me over Jon's shoulder. Before I knew it, Jon and Bob were both coming my way. I was seriously dying.

"Hey, lady," Jon smiled.

"Hello," Bob smiled, "What may your name be?"

"I'm Erica," I said. I kept all the babbling I wanted to bury them in inside me. I didn't think they were ready for Erica babble yet, as much as it wanted to ooze out.

"Hello, Erica. Bob's the name."

I shook his outstretched hands.

Then I shook Jon's, "And you're Jon. I know the deal."

They laughed.

"What made you grace us with your presence?" Jon asked, curiously.

"My friends," I pointed to them, "made us come find our unfindable friends. They said they were back here."

"Sam and Nikki?" Bob asked, with raised eyebrows.

I nodded.

"They went off...with Mikey and Brendon..." Bob told me.

I chuckled, "Oh, my. God knows what their doing."

Bob and Jon agreed. Went on a conversation with two gorgeous men. That's my idea of fun right there. You can't deny, fool!
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sucky, but you should comment.