One Chance One Life.

The Last Night.

A plastic bag can only take so much until it breaks. The same with a human.

This chapter is one of the worst chapter's of my life and it all started on one of the normal Friday night's that were always full of fear. One of the one's where I had to stay at David's for the whole weekends. This particular one was only a few weeks before I was moving to England and the week after we were ending school for the summer. In Sweden, the end of the school year is quite a big deal and all your parents come in and you talk to each other and the parents usually talk to each other and you can walk around and look at some of the work that has been made during the year. Everyone then goes to their classrooms and eat cake and have a drink. Everyone looks forwards to the summer holidays and are excited. It's a happy time, well at least it's supposed to be.

Well this particular night, I will remember for the rest of my life, it will always be there haunting me, it created a new nightmare and it was a very long night.

David picked me up as usual and we walked to the bus stop in silence like usual. We waited for the bus and he occasionally asked me how long it was left until the bus would come and I would answer. When we got on the bus I went straight to the back and sat next to the window while he stayed at the front. We got off the stop and walked through the town and onto the path going past the big rocks and all the blocks of flats, we then got to the same block of flats as usual. We walked into the two-bedroomed flat and I went and started reading. I heard the normal shouting and name calling as I went to the kitchen to eat dinner.

I finished quickly and went and washed the plate, I then started walking to my room as I heard David mutter 'no wander she's so fat' underneath his breath, it hurt me as much as usual and I know I should probably have got used to it by then but someone who is meant to love you and who you strangely love even though at the same time it's the person you hate most in the world calling you fat will always hurt. He called me worse most of the time but I was feeling worse and worse, sure I was looking forwards to England but my depression was worse even though it was summer and that's usually the time my depression wasn't to bad, I still didn't feel well.

I let a tear slip when I got into my room and had closed the door but made sure not to make a noise. I silently kept crying while sitting in the small room reading my book. The book did help but nothing could make me feel better when I was in such a state.

The time passed and I kept reading, I eventually went to bed but like usual, I lay there for hours crying myself to sleep. I was about to fall asleep, I could feel my eyelids closing. But just as my eyes closed, I could feel a loud smash. I hoped he wouldn't come for me and hit me, not that night. I was at breaking point and I couldn't take much more. I turned of the night lied and went and sat in the corner of my room and closed my eyes. I wanted it to be over, I heard him right outside the door but then he tripped and started swearing. I heard him turn and go into his room and after about twenty minutes I could here the calm snores coming from the room next to me. I burst into tears and all I wanted was to get out. I phoned my mum even though it was one or two in the morning and unluckily she had to look after my brothers and she was tired, she said she was sorry and that she would come and pick me up in the morning. Of course, she didn't know how scared I was, she didn't know why I wanted to go home, all I had told her was that he was drunk and I didn't like it.

After the whispered conversation with my mum I went to the bathroom. I put the broken toilet seat on that he had broken yet again and placed it on the toilet as silently as possible. I heard his snoring stop for a few seconds and was stunned. I didn't move. When I could finally hear the snoring again, I kept going knowing that he was probably out of it and wouldn't be able to wake up for the next few hours.

I had knew what an overdose was and I was having a moment. I didn't think and took the first set of tablets from the bathroom cabinet. It was a mistake I would never be able to make better again. I took a load and shoved it down my throat drinking a single bit of water I could fit in my small hands.

I started walking but my body couldn't take the amount of drugs all at once. My limp body fell to the floor as everything was getting blurrier till eventually everything turned black.

I woke up a few hours later to the snoring, I couldn't move as I threw up on the floor. My head was hurting so much and my body wouldn't operate, I was a slight bit confused about where I was, there was now light blaring in through the bathroom window and I realised that I was still in hell.

After a while, I could move a bit more. I cleaned up as well as I could without making to much noise and with all the dizziness, I had to through up at least once every five minutes and by then it was 5 in the morning, once the throwing up had calmed down I was still very dizzy, I needed to get out, I sat on the bathroom floor for a couple of hours throwing up every 10 minutes then slowly going down to every 20. I needed to go out. The drowsiness was still there and I was shaking so much that I couldn't manage to have a drink. I fiddled with the door and managed to open it. As I walked outside to the climbing frame outside the house I was thinking that David wouldn't wake up for another few hours so I would sit there for an hour then go back up and wait for him to wake up, I would say that I had a migraine and I would then go home. But boy I thought wrong.

He had heard me close the door and came storming down the stairs about 5 minutes after I had sat down and he had got dressed. He started shouting saying that the door was locked and I wouldn't have been able to get back in. I didn't take in much of what he said as I was to dizzy. I just sat there shivering. When he had finished calling me an idiot and what not, I mumbled that I had a key and that I had a migraine and wanted to go home. He shouted some more and then took me home.
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I suppose I've had worse night's in the sense that my dad have hurt me more but this is the night when I broke down and just couldn't take any more, it's also the night when I decided that it was not normal for dad's to hurt their children like this, I mean, I have always known but it just kind of hit me that night...