One Chance One Life.

The Phone Call.

There's sometimes things that have to be done even if it may frighten you but you will eventually have to do it.

I had got home rather early in the morning. My mum wasn't very surprised to see me as she hadn't been able to sleep because she had been worrying about me.

I explained that I didn't want him coming to my end of year thing because he kept freaking me out when I went to see him and my mum said she would phone him later on that nigh once I had gone to sleep, I was worrying about it all day...

I couldn't sleep that night so my mum said that she would have to phone him anyway as there were only a few days left before we were ending school.

I was lying there listening to David's drunk voice shouting from the other end of the line. I could here in my room so he must have been shouting loudly. I couldn't make out what he was saying but I was scared of what he would do to my mum if he saw her, I was so happy that I wouldn't have to see him again though. I felt a bit of relief as I drifted of to sleep in my nice dark safe room.

In the morning when I woke up my mum told me that David would phone me because he didn't believe her that I didn't want him to come. I was going to leave before he phoned but I was waiting for my friend to phone and she was phoning late so I automatically picked up and said 'Hi Becka,' and then I realised it wasn't her voice I heard. I was shocked and didn't know what to say, I froze and couldn't move. He asked me if I wanted him to come to the end of year thing and I said no and hung up.

That's the last time I ever talked to him.
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This was a bit scary for me because I was nervous of what he would do by the way he would shout and I was scared.