Series of Oneshots

Girlfriend And Boyfriend

I felt his fingers at the edge of my shirt. His finger tips touching my skin ever so softly, it gave me goose bums. But at the same time, I felt the nausea in my stomach rise once again. I was in the same position as I was last time. The position was if I said no, what I believed in, I would get hurt. Don’t get me wrong he was a nice guy, well was, he isn’t so much anymore. My parents loved him, but I didn’t not after the other night.

I wanted to stop him so badly; I knew he wasn’t going to stop on his own. As his hand slowly crept up my shirt, his head lowered down my neck. This was my time to say no. But I let him go on; he was the one thing that made my parents like me. I wasn’t abnormal or anything. They just didn’t care for me. I was never really supposed to be here. They didn’t want me and the made that fact known.

His hand now rested on the small of my back. He lifted his head and I looked into his stormy eyes, gray with a hint of green. One of the few things I actually liked about him, but they also scare me. I know the look he gets when I do something wrong, and that is the look I fear the most. His other hand lowers and finds it place at the hem of my shirt, it soon is being lifted against my wishes. And in one swift move mine and his shirts are removed. His bare chest rests against mine, the warmth feels great. As he rests his body on mine, it gently presses against the bruise from my last mistake. I flinch and he notices.

“Oh baby, did I hurt you?” He whispers ever so softly into my ear. I take a deep breath in. He smiles an almost evil grin, but oddly his smile has some sincerity to it. It fascinates me how he does it sometimes. He traces over the bruise with his fingertips.


“What?!” His voice pierces the night. It is loud, deep, and full of anger. I flinch even at this voice; I know what he can do to me when his voice is like that. I shut my eyes and wishing this just one of his short spurts of anger. He speaks again but his voice is now drenched in sincerity, not in anger anymore.

“But I thought you loved me.” His tone has gone from anger to desperation in mere seconds. I’m truly shaking with fear at this point. His hand graces over my cheek, and I am scared of what he might do. He gingerly feels along my jaw line, but he roughly grabs hold of my face. Not too hard to cause any bruises or markings, just hard enough to get his point across.

“You are supposed to be my girlfriend…..I thought that we were on the same page. And we both wanted this. I’m confused; you say one thing and totally give off vibes for another!” He said this as if he actually believed what he was saying.

“NO! You want this; you never asked me what I wanted. And you know my beliefs. You know that I don’t want to go very far with anybody until I am older or possibly married.” That is when he shoved off of me and left the very first mark.

*End of Flashback*

Ever since then he has been very hurtful towards me. Rough and always grabbing me hard, and pulling. The bruise where his fingers lie now was the first time. It is now a discolored bruise, now on the yellow side. Just now fading, but it still does hurt. I wish I could just ask him to stop and it would all disappear and go back to how it was when we first met.

“I’m sorry babe. I didn’t mean for it to hurt.” His voice is back to its normal self, calm and beautiful. I don’t know why I stay with him. I know what he does is wrong, but at the back of my mind, I still want to stay with him.
Now he is back to what we were doing before, his nude chest against mine, the warmth keeping me in the moment. He went back to work on my neck. Then slowly he made his way down to my chest. I finally got the nerve up to say something.
“Wait.” As soon as I said that his head whipped up and I saw that thing in his eyes again, the thing that scared me half to death. I quickly covered up my mistake.

“Let’s switch, so I am atop of you. Okay?” The look disappeared from his eyes, and he looked excited. I don’t know why I said that I just wanted to get him back on my good side. We quickly got back to what we were doing. I lay on top of him, in between his spread legs. One hand of his rested on my hip while the other was on the small of my back. At this moment I felt safe, he was holding me and the warmth of our bodies together.

His hand found its way down to my jeans. He still had his hand on my back, but now it was farther up. The button was undone on my jeans, and now my zipper was down. I moved his hand away and got that look once again I didn’t say anything. I just moved my hand towards his jeans. I quickly undid his button and zipper. He wiggled out of his jeans the best he could with me hovering over him. I gently placed my body back over his.

We went back to kissing and doing what we were before once again. His hand was traveling up my back to my bra strap. His hand hovered there for a while. He was drawing circles on my back. Then he finally took it into his hands and was about to undo it when I said something.

“No.” And that two letter word sparked the dreaded look. It sparked right back into his eyes. I wish I would have kept my mouth shut because I knew what was going to happen. Well, actually id didn’t know what was going to happen, but I had a pretty good idea of the basic thing that was about to take place.

In one hasty move he was one top of me and his arm was raised. Then that is when it all turned black.