Toxic Land

Chapter 3

When they arrived home Jones and his friend's went outside for a swim. Jones and his friend's played Toxin chase, swimmng race and Marco Polo.

Jones' mum called the boys in and told them to chill out and get ready to sleep. Jones' mum left them watching movies. The movie that the boys were currently watching was The Scared Human. The Scared Human is about a normal person who is about twelve years of age and has a problem of wetting the bed whenever he hears, imagines or speak of the name Fred Jones. Fred Jones is a ghost that can make anyone dream and see Fred Jones in their head. Fred Jones keeps haunting them until they commit suicide or kill someone they love like a family member or a friend.

During the movie Lucas thought for a moment that Fred Jones existed and was real. Lucas started to panic and Lucas got really nervous, but then James managed to calm him Lucas down. James was sitting next to Lucas, so James thought of telling Lucas that if hear hears the name of Fred Jones or anything, try to imagine a big dinosaur of your imagination controlling and taking control over Fred Jones' life.

Lucas eventually calmed down and after the The Scared Human Jones turned out all the lights and all three boys were asleep.